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P90X fitness system

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If time isn't something that I can afford too much, it wouldn't be too bad skating and doing the workout on the same day then would it?

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Depends on your goals. If you're simply trying to stay in shape, not really, you just probably won't be able to give your best performance.

I did the leg day once before a game, and had a horrible game because I was so wrecked. Same with plyo. Ugh.

If you're trying to build muscle, the rest would be advisable, so I wouldn't do weights and a game on the same day, but if you did them far enough apart and were eating the right things to recover, it wouldn't do much harm, I don't think.

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Well, worse comes to worse and I can just swap out the cardio with my hockey games and skates. I'd prefer to do both, but if my body won't be able to handle both so be it. I can always go for light jobs in the morning if I want to just to get warmed up for the day.

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Oh boy p90 is crazy

Yeah its understandable to not finsh some but when you get further in, you pull through

Personally i hate the yogas.

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Has anyone that is already fairly fit tried the P90x system? I'm already in pretty good shape - 6'3" 205, about 10% body fat - but am always interested in trying new workouts. If I could get results I would give it a try.

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Has anyone that is already fairly fit tried the P90x system? I'm already in pretty good shape - 6'3" 205, about 10% body fat - but am always interested in trying new workouts. If I could get results I would give it a try.

My brother is the most athletic and fit person I know. He threw up after going through the first workout. It's all about how hard you are willing to push yourself.

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Has anyone that is already fairly fit tried the P90x system? I'm already in pretty good shape - 6'3" 205, about 10% body fat - but am always interested in trying new workouts. If I could get results I would give it a try.

I think it comes down to your goals... If you're looking to put on muscle mass, hit the weights hard. P90x isn't going to help you. If you're looking to get lean/cut, try it out and see if it works for you.

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That's the thing with P90x. Even if you're athletic, it's usually about maximum reps and challenging yourself. Everybody, if they're trying, should be wrecked after those workouts. Those who are more fit can just keep up with the videos. :)

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i have done the routine 3 times an i must say it has made me more powerful on my feet better balance, at your core, i went from 25%body fat to 8 my first trip around. BUT! you have to do it all by the book even the nutrition plan, it is a very demanding 90 days but at the end of your firstsegmant you will be noticably stronger an even in a better mood. i litterally went from being able to do 5-10 real full push ups to 50, my wife went from not being able to do a full puch up to basically keeping up with me. i must admit that some of the routines are a little difficult to do the first time around an to keep up that is also hard but after teh first two weeks you are doing it all with ease. well worth the investment.......

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I would love to do it, its just so expensive... Does anyone know where to get it for cheaper then 100+ ? Legally of course!

Borrow it from a friend.

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I would love to do it, its just so expensive... Does anyone know where to get it for cheaper then 100+ ? Legally of course!

I wonder if the Libraries or netflix have it.

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A buddy of mine somehow found it online then downloaded it on to USBs but ive had other guys look and theres no way of finding it. It would be hard to get it for under 100$ unless like sayed above you get it from a friend

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I wonder if the Libraries or netflix have it.

Just checked, nope. But good though!

I really should google stuff before i post.

75 isnt THAT bad

I cant do more then 4 real pushups and pullups are way out of the question. Hockey is only ok because i play smart (as opposed to hard AND smart), and i have line changes. The first couple weeks are going to suck...

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progress report anyone? :)

5 Weeks Into It:

*Note* I'm pairing P90X with an hour on an elliptical after each video session; plus random batting practice, hockey games, and baseball games throughout the week. That being said:

-Biceps, Triceps, and Chest are noticeably larger and more defined

-Stomach has flattened out a bit, this is my big, "problem area," so I expect it to take the longest to see big changes.

-Definition in the shoulders and back has increased drastically

-Definition and strength in my legs has increased

-Endurance on the ice/field has increased exponentially since the workouts began.

The big thing I've noticed is that I am still sore after doing the workouts. I have spent four years in college going through heavy weight lifting routines and after about two weeks, no matter how much weight I added I felt like I was not gaining anything or really working my body hard enough. I'm still really struggling with pull-ups, but I am getting better.

Overall, I'm still going strong in the program, and am very happy with the results... thus far.

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Well, I just broke down and ordered it. My doc was threatening me if I don't lose some weight big time in the next 60 days. I will let you know how it works on an old fart.

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Well, I just broke down and ordered it. My doc was threatening me if I don't lose some weight big time in the next 60 days. I will let you know how it works on an old fart.

Extra prostate exams? :lol:

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Ouch! No, just threatening me with a whole barrage of medicines unless I lose some serious weight.

I got it.

Old Fart Review:

Well, it is pretty intense and hurts when it stops. I can get thru around 2/3 of a session. Have to build up to it I guess. They do give you some hints on how to cheat a little if it is too intense, like using one foot on a chair off to an angle for chin ups.

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To the people who are trying to find it cheap, check ebay or better yet, Craigslist. I got my copy from CL for $35. I'm on my 4th week now, and even though I never do yoga and skip other workouts occasionally (usually legs as my legs are already pretty solid), I can still see drastic changes in the definition of my back, shoulders, and abs, and I can also tell smaller differences in my biceps and triceps. As far as endurance goes, mine has improved immensely since starting the workouts which I'm pretty happy about. I'd say if you can find the set of DVD's to borrow from a friend or find 'em cheap on Craigslist then I'd say go for it.

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