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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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2008-09 Gear Sightings

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What is the new Warrior stick I've seen a few people using? I've seen them pop up a few places; I know Bryce Salvador on the Devils has been using it recently, although I can't find a good linkable picture.

It looks like there are two versions, unless it's two new sticks. One is entirely black, with minimal graphics and Warrior on the shaft in what appears to be silver. The other is black with silver or white down low on the shaft into the blade--looks almost like a reverse Dolomite Spyne.

Anyone have a clue if this is a new stick or 2009 graphics of something existing? It's obviously not any kind of Dolomite.

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Pro Easton Helmets are logo'd on the front right? The one Ben Eager (CHI) is wearing tonight appears to have no Easton markings on it at all.

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Pretty sure Kozlov wears the Carbster w/ Easton sticker at home as well.

Yeah, the blue Carbster has the Easton logo, but his white road lid (white Carbster) doesn't oddly enough... It took a home & home series with Boston for me to notice that.

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I was at the Flyers-ATL game in Philly a few weeks back and in that game Kozlov's road (white) Carbster definitely had an Easton logo on it at that time.

Maybe it fell off the white one at some point... I'm just saying what I saw in the game @ Boston this past weekend

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The homemade grip Sammy puts on those sticks is unnerving. I felt like I needed to wash my hands after holding one.

(Yeah, yeah... that's what she said)

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Are my eyes hoopy, or is he skipping an eyelet in the forefoot?

He is indeed. On another note, is it just me or does the new logo on the front of the Reebok lids get on peoples nevres?

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