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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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2008-09 Gear Sightings

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i was about to link up that pic asking about the REB gloves that you can see, anybody got any info?

Looks like a Rebellion glove.

The ones I saw at the show were very nice for their price points.

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Wayne Primeau used two different sticks last night...

TPS : http://images.sportsline.com/u/gettyimages...01_1024x768.jpg

RBK : http://images.sportsline.com/u/ap/photos/C...02_1024x768.jpg

On that note, is 'Fury' still alive? He's not using a Fury stick anymore, nor does their website work...did I miss something?

Steve MacIntyre using Rebellion gloves:

Wow... Rebellion! Haven't heard that name since...

all those cheesy-named sticks:

the "Red Hot", the "Great White", etc.

well , maybe not as obnoxious as Warrior, but still. :P

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Do we know if the fit will be similar (or exactly) like the s15?

And what are the differences?

And I think I like the way they look too. They seem to be a more uniform color than the s15.

I wonder if and how they addressed the issues with the current stealths.

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too shiny for my liking - seem to be even more shiny then S15

the boot construction seems to be the same as in the current S15 - but they appear to have fixed at least some of the problem areas (similar to S15 pro-stocks the area near toe box is fully covered now - unslike on stock S15 where it always tears up)

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Those skates look brutal. Are they going for the "Vapor at first glance" approach? I mean, really, silver and red accents?

Then again I did say the 15s were brutal, but they grew on me, then again, they were dark.

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im pretty sure anson carter was the only person to ever pull off a carbster.

and btw those gloves look awesome in that color scheme

Jordan Leopold, Alyn McAuley, Brian Rafalski

erik cole wore it at some point. as far as i remember, he was a mission guy back in the Canes run on the Cup.

Cole was a Mission guy when the Canes lost in the finals to Detroit, I believe. He was NBH when the Canes won the Cup.

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Ah the M-1. I really liked that stick!

As for new sightings because I live in Vancouver I noticed that Henrik Sedin has been using the one95 the last few games (Both he and Daniel are RBK guys).

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Yep, even had a pattern on the original M-1.

the sportchek i managed had a huge bundle of erik cole sticks

if i recall correctly the blade was too kinda short and stubby for me, but i could be mistaken

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Those skates look brutal. Are they going for the "Vapor at first glance" approach? I mean, really, silver and red accents?

Then again I did say the 15s were brutal, but they grew on me, then again, they were dark.

I immediately thought "Vapor ripoff" when I saw that picture.

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erik cole wore it at some point. as far as i remember, he was a mission guy back in the Canes run on the Cup.
He was NBH by then I believe...I remember someone that knew the canes equipment manager relayed on that cole thought his new on90's had really thin "walls". He wore the 8000 back then, same year he broke his neck.


NBH guy in the 06 finals, but in the 02 finals vs detroit, i think he may have been mission... That was his rookie season i think.

EDIT: DOH! should have read the next pages first....

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