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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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2008-09 Gear Sightings

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last night i was at the wings game and noticed zetterberg was using a blue se16. hes used nothing but red for the past two years, i was quite suprised...

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What do you mean by explain? Most high end OPS are offered as two-piece shafts as well.

It's not the same as the OPS, they're just using the same branding on another product.

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some new info regarding 2009 CCM stuff, releasing a new U+ model called the 'cl' which stands for crazy light, and it weighs 405g, new sleeker graphic, looks really nice. And the octogun weighs 485g.

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this is the normal graphics http://us.st12.yimg.com/us.st.yimg.com/I/h...ey_2031_5291326

its not an smu is it ?? i thought they were only lower end stuff

Probably just a different color scheme...the big boys can do that

i never saw before a smu product using a name of an existing product on top of that it a high end, they are not allowed to do that it missleading the consumers.

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this is the normal graphics http://us.st12.yimg.com/us.st.yimg.com/I/h...ey_2031_5291326

its not an smu is it ?? i thought they were only lower end stuff

Probably just a different color scheme...the big boys can do that

i never saw before a smu product using a name of an existing product on top of that it a high end, they are not allowed to do that it will missleadin the consumers.

Umm, no. Source for Sports did it with TPS hockey sticks previously. There are high end SMUs and there are SMUs that use the names of previous products. Buyer beware.

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I remember an MSH discussion on Samuelson and his wrist-taping:


Here's a pair of his that he opted to alter instead:


His palm was the most horrific thing I've ever seen.

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I believe there were a pair of his XXX's at Hockey Town, and they were sewn up like that. It was the first and so far only time Ive seen something like this.

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Malts has been dead-weight for years. I guess you can't push a guy out of town after 4 cups over that many years. Class guy for the most part, nonetheless - certainly off the ice.

As for the toughguy remark, it's fitting that the only time I can remember him in a "fight" was when he cold-cocked Aaron Ward a few years back... with his glove on.

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Hmmm... that may be the incident I was thinking of; I knew it was a guy I liked while on the Wings but began to dislike upon their departure.

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He did the same to Avery when Avery was with LA (didn't knock him out, but bloodied him).
Wasnt that when he reached over a ref and a Wings player who Avery was involved with?

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