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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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JR Boucicaut

Pascal Perron

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Hey guys,

Got cut this morning :(, might try somewhere else in the AHL, I'll see, I don't think I'll be going in the East Coast though...

thats sucks - keep your head up though - you have got a lot of things going for you

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I'm still crying since I've been cut but what does not kill you makes you stronger. After the first 10 minutes, I felt like I wanted to drop everything but now I'll put them back in their teeth.

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Best of luck my friend, you had the chance to experience something most of us will never have, so right there your a winner in my book.

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I'm still crying since I've been cut but what does not kill you makes you stronger. After the first 10 minutes, I felt like I wanted to drop everything but now I'll put them back in their teeth.

all you can do is train harder/practice more and prepare for whatever's next - not everyone out there has a brother in the nhl that they can get advice from (albeit a younger brother) and you guys certainly aren't lacking skill.

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Best of luck my friend, you had the chance to experience something most of us will never have, so right there your a winner in my book.

100% agreed.

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Hey guys,

Got cut this morning :(, might try somewhere else in the AHL, I'll see, I don't think I'll be going in the East Coast though...

Sorry to hear that, man....keep your chin up. There's better days ahead.

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Hey guys,

Your support really makes me feel better and it helps me to keep pushing again. They can say whatever they want on me, those who know me well, those who have played with me knows what I'm really able to do. It might be this year, it might be next year, but I'll prove them they were wrong. Maybe, it won't be an easy ride but I have a profound belief in what I do and in my abilities. The belief in what I do is that I don't want to make it for the gongshow, the status, the money etc..., I wanna make it for the right reason, the love of the game, the love of life and also to be an example that it is possible, dreams can come true even the hardest thing to do can be done if we want to. David is also like that but few pros are this way, anyways these are some of my beliefs on why I want a make it. Then when I'll make it, David will just have to come and sign for the team I'll be in so we can realise our dream to play one day on the same professionnal line.

And if I have learn something lately is that in this hockey world, when you don't have any status, you can't be just good, you need to be a beast, the best in every facet, so it's the only way I will be able to succeed, getting the best of the bunch and adding 15-20 pounds of muscle. Same thing with JR, JR Boucicaut has everything in the world to be an amazing rep. but companies are affraid to hired him because he's not in the gimmick, the mold. And if I make it, I hope you guys won't wonder anymore why David went undrafted at 17, I'll tell you the answer : the fu.... gimmick. These experiences are hard but they just make us better overall. David is a good proof of it, when you say he got cut from Midget A 4 years ago then anyone can be cut of any jobs or any teams, WE CAN ONLY CONTROL WHAT WE CAN CONTROL and then one day you are at the right place at the right time.

Keep working JR, your an inspiration for many and we'll both make it. Become a beast too :)

Thanks again and I'll give you update on my situation.

See you then!

Hey guys,

Got cut this morning :(, might try somewhere else in the AHL, I'll see, I don't think I'll be going in the East Coast though...

Sorry to hear that, man....keep your chin up. There's better days ahead.

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You know Kovy we've not seen eye to eye sometimes and I nor many of us don't know you or your brother at all but it still is a great story for David and very inspirational and the same for you yourself. I remember back when MSH just came to fruition and you had the same passion then about making the dream as you do now. Even though I'll never know you or your brother I still root for him and will root for you too in the future. As long as you are who you say you are and do it for the passion, not the ego, not the girls, drugs, or money, then you will be a great ambassador for the game of hockey, whether you make the AHL, NHL, or none at all. To promote and talk about hockey the way you do is what the game needs most.

Now, go eat a chili dog or ten.


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pascal, j'me rappelle encore quand tu venais de t'inscrire sur MSH. les autres membres se sont foutu de ta gueule un petit peu au debut, mais avec le temps on a pu voir que t'es un bon gars ki a une grande passion pour notre sport. travaille fort pi je suis sur que sa va etre la meme chose chez les pros. bonne chance et lache pas!

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pascal, j'me rappelle encore quand tu venais de t'inscrire sur MSH. les autres membres se sont foutu de ta gueule un petit peu au debut, mais avec le temps on a pu voir que t'es un bon gars ki a une grande passion pour notre sport. travaille fort pi je suis sur que sa va etre la meme chose chez les pros. bonne chance et lache pas!

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Hey Pascal, you are an inspiration to me, you keep get knocked down but get back right after and try even harder, hopefully next year I can pull off some of your dedication for Junior A.

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Hey guys,

Got cut this morning :(, might try somewhere else in the AHL, I'll see, I don't think I'll be going in the East Coast though...

If you can't land something in the "A", don't just turn your nose up at the "E". If you get a chance to shine down there then it could be the ticket to the bigger and better things. Look at a guy like Keith Aucoin. He started out demoted all the way down to the UHL his first year pro and now he's a depth skill player in the Caps system who is one injury away from feeding Ovechkin on the PP.

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Hey guys,

Got cut this morning :( , might try somewhere else in the AHL, I'll see, I don't think I'll be going in the East Coast though...

If you can't land something in the "A", don't just turn your nose up at the "E". If you get a chance to shine down there then it could be the ticket to the bigger and better things. Look at a guy like Keith Aucoin. He started out demoted all the way down to the UHL his first year pro and now he's a depth skill player in the Caps system who is one injury away from feeding Ovechkin on the PP.

There are some very good players who spent some time in the ECHL and played their way into AHL and NHL jobs.


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Hey guys,

Got cut this morning :( , might try somewhere else in the AHL, I'll see, I don't think I'll be going in the East Coast though...

If you can't land something in the "A", don't just turn your nose up at the "E". If you get a chance to shine down there then it could be the ticket to the bigger and better things. Look at a guy like Keith Aucoin. He started out demoted all the way down to the UHL his first year pro and now he's a depth skill player in the Caps system who is one injury away from feeding Ovechkin on the PP.

There are some very good players who spent some time in the ECHL and played their way into AHL and NHL jobs.


I didn't know Ryder played in the "E". That list may not be full of households hockey names, but some very good players have started their path to the Show down there.

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From the stick handling videos, watching your brother play and knowing he speaks very highly of you and from what I've read here it's safe to say you're a VERY talented hockey player. I'm sure the AHL staff realized that too, but it was easier to go with other guys who've already learned some systems and have put up some numbers at a high level. I recall reading that while you're very talented you hadn't played Junior or in other high level leagues the NHL usually picks players from (I'm sure you can skate and stick handle circles around some guys who played Junior. I'm not trying to knock you for that at all). One good season in the East Coast league could be all you need to make an AHL and then eventually an NHL team. Once you put some numbers up there it'll be easier for you to jump to the next level - the coaches won't be able to say "he's got great skill, but he's pretty raw and hasn't played at this level. Let's take player A instead as he'll be able to play our system right away and had a solid 30 goal season in league X last year". As Chadd points out above plenty of great players came from the ECHL so if you have a chance to play for a team there I think you should go for it. Whatever you decide I wish you nothing but the best.

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Hey guys,

Got cut this morning :( , might try somewhere else in the AHL, I'll see, I don't think I'll be going in the East Coast though...

If you can't land something in the "A", don't just turn your nose up at the "E". If you get a chance to shine down there then it could be the ticket to the bigger and better things. Look at a guy like Keith Aucoin. He started out demoted all the way down to the UHL his first year pro and now he's a depth skill player in the Caps system who is one injury away from feeding Ovechkin on the PP.

There are some very good players who spent some time in the ECHL and played their way into AHL and NHL jobs.


I didn't know Ryder played in the "E". That list may not be full of households hockey names, but some very good players have started their path to the Show down there.

The Canucks currently have 3 guys on the NHL roster who went undrafted and worked their way up from the ECHL.

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You got your foot in the door, sometimes that's all it takes. Do what you can to keep your name mentioned.

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