interpathway 9 Report post Posted May 2, 2011 May 1st, 2011. In my apartment in Chevy Chase, MD, when President Obama took the podium and delivered the news we've been aching for the past ten years.Proud to live under those who stand up for the rights of all. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JR Boucicaut 3804 Report post Posted May 2, 2011 We were in the MSH Chat room. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zachary 2 Report post Posted May 2, 2011 It's crazy how even 20 years from now we will bring up this story and share where we were and still remember.I was 11 at the time and in 6th grade. Pretty normal day, actually was at lunch when the plane hit and I remember it was the rare occasion we watched cable/live tv in class for middle school. At the time I was young and didn't really understand and it didn't click how devastating it is. I still can't fathom seeing it in person, I think I would be mentally ill. My mom pulled me outta school after the plane went down in Pennsylvania since that's where all my family is from so we feared more attacks might take place in Chicago(I live 45 min from downtown) and LA. Funny thing is I recall my Dad and I going to NTB around 4pm that day and getting his tire replaced and everything was just so eeire. So quiet everywhere and you would constantly look at the sky. Going home sucked because you knew you were going to be glued to TV for the latest breaks and every channel had the same exact thing. Tragic day and I feel for the families who lost loved ones. I would want to say I hope nothing ever of this size happens again on our soil but I never wish it upon another country. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Trooper 8 Report post Posted May 2, 2011 At work, they put TVs in the cafeteria after the first tower and we ended up seeing the second plane hit. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
crazyhick 19 Report post Posted May 3, 2011 I was 18, just started college at Salem State College (now SSU). was walking to my second day of work-study and i blatantly watched a plane that morning because it just stood out from how quiet it really was. After we finished setting up tables and such for the days events, I walked into the office to sign out and the secratary asked if i heard the terrible news about the planes being hijacked. Now, due to my family's strange 6th sense due to major events, My mother and I both dreamed about it the previous night, and I simply said " Didn't that happen the other day?". By the looks on thier faces, I guess I was mistaken. So I sprinted back to my dorm room and turned the tv on just to see the first tower hit. After I woke up my roommates and nieghbors, the second plane hit. absolutley horrifying. We ended up evacuating the top 5 floors of our building for the "just incase" fear that was going on. I spent the rest of the day hanging out in my room with a bunch of people whom were on the top floors.The next day, one of my roommates foundout that his mother was supossed to be on the 1st plane but had to cancel because she had the flu. her whole workplace was there. Another girl that was from NYC, her mother was working there or in the nearby buildings. I didn't know more than a handful of people at the time, but i'm sure more people were affected that day just at my school alone. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
steelnation248 102 Report post Posted May 3, 2011 2001 - I was in 6th grade and in English class. They announced it over the intercom and we then watched the news for the rest of class.2011 - I had just gotten home from work. I actually found out through all the posts on facebook. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JTully317 11 Report post Posted May 3, 2011 I was in 8th grade and was in gym class when an older student came in and told the gym teacher and everyone thought she was messing around until we heard it over the loud speaker moments later. The rest of the day was spent talking about the events as well as the rest of that week. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RadioGaGa 162 Report post Posted May 3, 2011 2011 - I had just gotten home from work. I actually found out through all the posts on facebook.I had just got home from hockey. I was watching "Celebrity Apprentice" (laugh if you must...but I want to see how John Rich does 'cause I'm a country fan) on my PVR. I fired up my laptop to check MSH & FB while I watched. The first post on FB was "Bin Laden is dead". I started surfing CNN to get details. Funny thing is...when the PVR came to the "Breaking News" I thought...."Wow...first Bin Laden dies and there is more breaking news...busy night" (D'uh!)...thought it might have been Canadian Election related at first. *L* Stayed up late watching CNN with celebrations in DC and NYC. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HockeySavants 5 Report post Posted May 4, 2011 Junior year CP3 English walking into class during passing periods when someone shouted "The Twin Towers have been hit!"we spent the rest of the day watching the news on TV, we saw the 2nd tower hit live and we all cursed I'm sure.Everyone who had family in the military left school early, I'm not even sure why I stayed. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JR97 2 Report post Posted May 5, 2011 I was driving to work and on the radio there was what I thought was a movie ad or something about a movie where the twin towers had collapsed. But the ad went on and on. Then I realized it wasn't an ad. Got to the office and everyone was huddled in the break room around the tv. Some crying. So like everyone else, I went straight to CEO sent out an email and we had a moment of silence and he offered that if people needed to leave, to work it out with their team/dept/etc. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ltrain 0 Report post Posted May 15, 2011 Just got back home after working overseas for 2+ years china a few days before. Went into Manhattan with a friend to drop something off to his coworker who was at the Towers Sunday the 8th. I remember being at the base of the towers looking up and saying to myself "wow I forgot how tall these buildings were.." 2 days later I wake up from a phone call from a friend to watch the news. Called my Dad to make sure he was ok (he was working in lower manhattan and took him about 4 hours for him to get home which is normally an hour drive tops. I then drove up to an overlook near my town that has a view of the Manhattan skyline. There were a mob of people and cars with the same idea. Saw the towers in smoke. Two other friends came by we all decided to go to the local red cross to donate blood or see if there was anything we could do to help. They turned people away because so many people were going there to do the same. All the people in the area were in the same mindset, helpless and wanting to see if there was something they could do. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Thinkingjack 51 Report post Posted May 22, 2011 Was actually running laps at school and was walking back in to the gym and we saw our gym teacher crying listening to his little radio and told us to dress back in our street clothes and to go into the gym, we went back in there and listened to it on the radio, apparently his sister was in the first tower hit, we went to another class and just sat there watching the news. Then some jackass P.O.S. decided he wanted to go home early, and called a bomb threat from his cellphone in the restrooms saying there was a bomb in our library room, the tallest building so we got put out in the football field in the blaring heat for five hours. Finally they let us go home, honestly i can't say it was the best day ever for slayer to release an album. Worse when you realize how many of your friends had family in those towers, bizarre and very sad Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vinny_R 1 Report post Posted July 3, 2011 I was in a Montreal college, not knowing anything 'til I went home at noon (I was playing Basketball in the gym with my earphone). I only noticed than the metro was slow and a lot of police-firefighter activity in the city. When I came home, the first sight I had entering home was my uncle and my aunt sitting in front of the TV and the video of the second plane crashing in the tower in replay. I nearly felt unconcious when I saw those images. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites