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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Best cookies that one can buy in a grocery store

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I loveee fresh famous amos and mrs fields. Chips Ahoy doesn't cut it for me. I tried some other but none was good enough. What is the best cookie I can buy in a grocery store? (I have trader joe's and whole foods in addition to your usual safeways, albertson's or kroger).

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Grandma's Cookies.....hands down are the best. But you can't get them in large packages, only as a 2 pack. But buy a dozen of them and you'll be the next Cookie Monster.

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Are those Entemann's the ones that are a bit smaller than say, Chips Ahoy? Cause, damn, I've been looking for those for a while.

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Not quite supermarket, but I've been big on Dunkin' Donuts Oatmeal raisin lately.

As far as supermarket... Pepperidge Farm is bomb... milano cookies? (mint, orange, raspberry) Chocolate chunk (sausalito!), but my faves are the Pepperidge Farm soft baked ones. Take the soft baked ones (preferably Snikerdoodle, or molasses), microwave 'em for about 7 seconds... so good.

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Forgot about Milanos. Don't get me started on those. Parents get me 2 bags for christmas everywhere and they are gone before all of the gifts are opened.

Just the chocolate ones though.

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