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JR Boucicaut

Blackstone Flat-Bottom V Thread

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  On 1/27/2011 at 4:28 AM, JR Boucicaut said:

First number corresponds to the flat width, second number corresponds to the edge height.

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Thanks, from the chart I could see it's a ratio, now I know what it is.

This helps a lot, trying to decipher posts I found a bit cryptic until now.

I think I'll try 100/50. I got 100/75 the first time with FBV, and that's the first time I even asked details about sharpening. Before, I'd just taken my skates in, and said "sharpen 'em". And I always liked the feel of them better after several skates; freshly sharpened had more grip than I liked.

Edited by wrangler

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  On 1/29/2011 at 12:07 AM, mug25 said:

Switched to the 100/50 last night. I definitely liked it better. Might be all in my head but I felt quicker.

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See if you continue to feel that way. I'll try it next Wednesday or Friday; not sure when my next time out will be yet.

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  On 1/29/2011 at 12:07 AM, mug25 said:

Switched to the 100/50 last night. I definitely liked it better. Might be all in my head but I felt quicker.

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glad you listened, nobody listens to me...

anyway - keep going up...

  On 1/29/2011 at 12:07 AM, mug25 said:

Switched to the 100/50 last night. I definitely liked it better. Might be all in my head but I felt quicker.

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glad you listened, nobody listens to me...

anyway - keep going up...

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Judging by the overwhelming numbers of players that I skate with that complain about skating the first few times on a new sharp, I'd say the majority of rec players are on too deep a hollow.

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  On 1/29/2011 at 1:19 AM, JR Boucicaut said:

glad you listened, nobody listens to me...

anyway - keep going up...

glad you listened, nobody listens to me...

anyway - keep going up...

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Definitely going to try the next step. I want to spend at least a few weeks on this hollow though.

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  On 1/29/2011 at 3:15 AM, mug25 said:

Definitely going to try the next step. I want to spend at least a few weeks on this hollow though.

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I'm interested in getting to the point where I have freshly sharpened skates that aren't too sharp for me. It'll be a first, and I'm looking forward to it.

Getting educated on stuff like this is one of the reasons I'm glad I stumbled in the door at MSH.

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OK, I used to use 7/16, I tried the flat bottom V last sharpening and love it. More glide, same bite, less fatigue which is crucial for me. The problem is I'm forgetting the number I got and I'm not smart enough to figure out the chart given in this thread. So I need a translation, 7/16=?

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  On 1/30/2011 at 7:21 PM, JR Boucicaut said:

could go either way...100/50 or 100/75; there isn't an exact match.

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So if I'm understanding the chart right 50 would be "faster" than 75? I should have stored it in my cell phone when I got it done, hopefully the same guy will be there today. Another problem that may come up if you diecide to switch is some places still don't do the FBV. I play in 2 different cities, one rink does it the other doesn't so I have to wait until I play in the one rink to get it done. It is worth the wait. I felt a noticable improvement in glide, no loss in bite, no problem crossing over, no problem transitioning from forward to defense.

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  On 1/30/2011 at 7:29 PM, Tikkanen said:

So if I'm understanding the chart right 50 would be "faster" than 75? I should have stored it in my cell phone when I got it done, hopefully the same guy will be there today. Another problem that may come up if you diecide to switch is some places still don't do the FBV. I play in 2 different cities, one rink does it the other doesn't so I have to wait until I play in the one rink to get it done. It is worth the wait. I felt a noticable improvement in glide, no loss in bite, no problem crossing over, no problem transitioning from forward to defense.

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in the grand scheme of things, yes. The 50 isn't digging into the ice as much as the 75 is.

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I also have two sets of steel with the FBV on them. That way I always have a spare set ready to go. I then have a third set with a normal ROH on them that I can throw in for public skates with the little one or to play at an outdoor rink. That way I don't worry about beating up the good FBV Step steel; the crappy Graf has the ROH.

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  On 1/30/2011 at 9:31 PM, JR Boucicaut said:

in the grand scheme of things, yes. The 50 isn't digging into the ice as much as the 75 is.

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Got my skates sharpened again today, they told me my number for FBV is 6. Confusing.

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  On 1/31/2011 at 3:39 AM, JR Boucicaut said:

They aren't doing FBV...you're getting the Blademaster "version." You're getting X6.

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So my follow up questions is what's the difference and is there a dealor locator for FBV?

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yes there is, and if you go on Blackstone's site, it will tell you what dealers do offer it.

Let me ask you this - have they been telling you it is Flat-Bottom V what they are doing to your skates?

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  On 1/31/2011 at 5:10 AM, JR Boucicaut said:

yes there is, and if you go on Blackstone's site, it will tell you what dealers do offer it.

Let me ask you this - have they been telling you it is Flat-Bottom V what they are doing to your skates?

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Yes. I play at Glacial Gardens in Lakewood, CA. I asked them if they did the FBV cut and they said yes so I"ve got it done twice now. I have no idea what they are doing to my skates now but it feels better than the 7/16 I had been getting. On the Blackstone site it looks as though there is nowhere in SoCal to get it done. It's things like this that make me appreciate ModSquad.

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  On 1/31/2011 at 6:21 AM, Tikkanen said:

Yes. I play at Glacial Gardens in Lakewood, CA. I asked them if they did the FBV cut and they said yes so I"ve got it done twice now. I have no idea what they are doing to my skates now but it feels better than the 7/16 I had been getting. On the Blackstone site it looks as though there is nowhere in SoCal to get it done. It's things like this that make me appreciate ModSquad.

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I think Glacial Gardens and HockeyMonkey,Santa Ana use the Blademaster version.

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JR I'm curious about the people who do my skates they say its FBV but ask you what you want in traditional ROH ex: According to them I'm skating on 1/2 FBV. :huh: Should I be concerned they're listed as one of the people who have FBV and the machiene they do them on is a blackstone so?

Edited by RussianDangler15

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