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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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JR Boucicaut

Congrats to Gongshow11

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Can you share his real name...or will he be on the roster as "SHOW, Gong". *L*

I was scanning their roster and they already have an 11...looks like aveteran player.

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thanks boys. 6-2 win vs Port Huron, had 2 goals including game winner and one was on a breakaway. We'll see how it goes

wore #23 tonight, have me pegged as #39 in camp tho

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thanks boys. 6-2 win vs Port Huron, had 2 goals including game winner and one was on a breakaway. We'll see how it goes

wore #23 tonight, have me pegged as #39 in camp tho

Nice debut...keep it up.

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so much of a debut I got released today...what a joke, prob heading to the SP for a few games and back up. shows me pro sports is a very political business. I guess being fan favorite of the game isnt enough

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so much of a debut I got released today...what a joke, prob heading to the SP for a few games and back up. shows me pro sports is a very political business. I guess being fan favorite of the game isnt enough

Wow, sorry to hear that.

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In pretty much any sport, getting your feet in the water is the hardest part. Once someone takes a "chance" on you and you play a game the doors are open. So consider that your first hurdle, you clipped it but you're still on your feet and it's a long race.

Keep in mind that it is a lot of politics, so eat shit and smile. Thank them for the opportunity and speak highly of them to others.

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Hey buddy,

I exactly know what you mean and I also know you can play a high level of hockey so don't give up...

so much of a debut I got released today...what a joke, prob heading to the SP for a few games and back up. shows me pro sports is a very political business. I guess being fan favorite of the game isnt enough

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