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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Hockey Fan 51

Sher-Wood 5030 Composite

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One was brought into the LHS i work at and i thought it looked very nice. It felt very blade heavy though.

that's about how I've felt about all of the SWD OPS.

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One was brought into the LHS i work at and i thought it looked very nice. It felt very blade heavy though.

that's about how I've felt about all of the SWD OPS.

Ditto. The RM19 SOP is quite blade heavy. But I had some prostock RM19s that were incredibly light and perfectly balanced. Actually, my RM9 is lighter and better balanced than the RM19 SOP! Wonder how much these 5030 OPS are gonna sell for...

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It should be interesting to see how this turns out. I was very disappointed with the pro-stock RM19s I've had (I haven't gotten my hands on a retail) but the pro stocks are ridiculously blade heavy.

Hopefully sherwood pulls this one off, and then brings out another decent shaft.

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I saw this new Sher-Wood 5030 Composite stick selling for $99.99 at my local Play-It-Again Sports. They only had a few of these right-handed sticks. They all had atypical Sher-Wood blade patterns (wasn't a Coffey curve, didn't look like Crosby, etc.). The curve was pretty mild.

I thought the stick felt pretty comfortable and it had a decent flex - probably around a 90 (I don't believe it listed a flex). There was a sign/advertisement that made it sound like these sticks were made to feel similar to a wooden 5030. It had wood grain painting/designs on it - from a distance it would be difficult to tell that it wasn't a true wood one-piece.

My initial impression is that it was an attractive looking stick that had a good price for its feel (didn't feel like a cheap & heavy low-end composite that sells for about 100 bucks). I will buy one if I can find a lefty.

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Saw one at Pro Hockey Life and wasn't overly impressed. It does look almost exactly like a woody (my dad wanted to know why a wood stick was $90 until we actually picked it up), but is pretty heavy. Closeout R8's are a lot better for the money :) .

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It's certainly a beautiful piece of lumber. I'm tempted to add one to my current online order so that I'll get free shipping. And yes, adding the stick would outweigh the cost of shipping in the first place :rolleyes:

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saw it in LHS and this stick is really neatly done. it is heavier stick but similar to others at the same price range.

I think this stick is more like a novelty item to have/collect.

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