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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Slapshot 3

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No Steve Carell? Damm, the fact that we have not heard anything about the movie untill now is not a good sign.

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How can a Slap Shot mvie be rated PG? :huh: I guees we can't expect the same comedy style as the reccent films. My feelings towards this movie keep getting worse, and I haven't even seen it yet.

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I guess it's gonna be like Mighty Ducks 9 without Emilio and Joshua Jackson.

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agreed... now when we look back on Player coach Reg Dunlop, life will just be that much better. they should just hault the release of this movie to save hockey the travesty

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I saw the commercial for this movie and had to stop myself from punching a hole right through my TV.

Slapshot 2 was terrible...I don't see this being any better.

I agree they should scrap this to save the franchise further embarassment.

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I hope someone on these boards drinks enough beer to actually watch this movie...this way we can get some feedback how much worse this is than 2 (which I have never seen).

I can not believe they actually got some respectable former NHL players to appear in this (Gilmour, Messier). They should be ashamed...

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