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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Adults using intermediate shafts/sticks?

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How many of the adult players here use intermediate shafts or sticks? I'm curious if they will hold up to adult usage. I'm 6' but only weigh about 160lbs and was thinking about trying out an intermediate shaft/blade combo. I found a good deal on ebay for some new M-1 shafts at a 75 flex (51" long), but I'm worried about having to use a junior blade. I'll be coming from a regular flex RBK 6k shaft and easton blade which doesn't seem to really load up for me on my wrist shots.

Any suggestions on this switch? Is it worth it or will the shafts just give out on me?

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I know easton's intermediate shafts had intermediate blades to go with them, not sure about the M-1 tho. It wouldn't be terrible to try but maybe before you go to that much of a jump try lower flex senior, 85 or even 77 on some bauers. Worth a try if you can find cheap sticks anyway, remember the shafts are smaller in diameter too

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I say give it a shot, as long as it's cheap enough that you don't mind not using it if you don't like it. I just bought a TPS R2 PTC in their whip flex, and because of the different flex zones, the middle of the shaft is only a 70 flex. I really like how whippy it is, because I can actually flex the shaft on a regular snap shot. I'm not very big, so I might get some flex on my 85+ flex shafts, but with the whippier flex I feel like it takes half the effort to get the same shot speed. 51" is more than long enough to use for an adult. I'm about 6'1 and I use my tapered shafts at 52", and I could probably take another inch or two off and still be comfortable with it.

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So right now the shaft I use is 54" without a plug, so I figured that I could just add a couple inches to these new shafts with an end plug. The deal is pretty good (they are older model shafts though) at about $50 shipped for two shafts.

Searching here though it sounds like the older M-1 shafts use junior blades, is that true? Assuming the shafts hold up, how will the junior blades hold up to adult usage? I'm assuming junior blades will be shorted then senior blades?

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I use 65-70 flex sticks, because I'm only 5'8" and need to cut off 3-4" from senior sticks. I did use the L-2 75 flex for a while (same as the M-1). The Mission blades did not last long at all. I believe most junior blades are shorter than senior blades, which is why I passed on that deal. I did really like the shafts though.

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How many of the adult players here use intermediate shafts or sticks? I'm curious if they will hold up to adult usage. I'm 6' but only weigh about 160lbs and was thinking about trying out an intermediate shaft/blade combo. I found a good deal on ebay for some new M-1 shafts at a 75 flex (51" long), but I'm worried about having to use a junior blade. I'll be coming from a regular flex RBK 6k shaft and easton blade which doesn't seem to really load up for me on my wrist shots.

Any suggestions on this switch? Is it worth it or will the shafts just give out on me?

This is not a bad idea at all... If you use the general rule of using a flex that's half your body weight. Half of 160 is 80... and 75 Flex is not far off at all. A lot of people have had great success in switching to a lower flex. You said it yourself that you can't feel the reg flex loading up.

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if you want to experiment with the intermediate flex route, I suggest you stray away from those m-1 shafts. If I'm right, the one's you're looking at are the ones I bought a year ago. Even if it's cheaper method, you're going to regret it by using a junior blade which is significantly smaller and not the same lie (keeping curves constant that is). I bought a pair of iginla jr's just to realize that they were a lie 4 and a helluva lot smaller in every dimension.

At your height, I'd recommend sticking with any other senior 70/75 flex shaft. If I recall correctly, the online cyclone taylor is offering synergy 2 shafts in 70flex. They might have sold out by now though.

A word of caution: using a whippier shaft not only requires more concentrating on receiving a pass (as I've found that it can catapult the puck off the blade easily) but requires that you're consistent in how fast and smooth you release your shots. Just flexing the stick isn't enough....

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The thing about trying to find a whippier senior shaft, is there aren't that many out there. Atleast there's not that many that aren't kind of expensive if you don't like it. Plus the whip senior shafts I've found would need to be cut down a few inches to where I'd like it, and then it's not really a whip flex anymore.

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Well, for $46 bucks shipped I figured I'd give it a try so I went ahead and purchased them.

hudsonhockey22: sorry, I wish I would have seen your post earlier.

So onto the blades now :)

xaero604, did you try other blade patterns? Looking here: http://www.hockeymonkey.com/easton-blades.html it looks like a few of the jr blades match up pretty close to their senior model (the forsberg in particular). Are there any specific companies/models where the jr/sr blades are a good match?

Thanks everyone for the input so far, this should be an interesting experiment for me...

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try a z-bubble in 75 flex. it's not quite an intermediate shaft, but slimmer then the next flex up if you like the smaller feel. i use a senior easton drury blade to go along with it. i have small hands and it feels really good. the only problem is their a little pricey to just try something only to find out you don't like. i went from a couple 5 year old louisville regular flex rubber shafts to the easton. i'm still trying to get used to it(a lot lighter), but i like it a lot. mind you i'm 5'7" and 140 lbs., but can still get off a nice shot with this stick.

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Why go with an int shaft, when there are planty of 77 or 75 flex regular shafts.

I have One90 shafts and 7K shafts in 75-77 flex. They are by far my favorite shafts...well other than the one I use in bed...:P

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Why go with an int shaft, when there are planty of 77 or 75 flex regular shafts.

I have One90 shafts and 7K shafts in 75-77 flex. They are by far my favorite shafts...well other than the one I use in bed...:P

Honestly, I'm just cheap :) . I grew up playing with wood sticks that cost $20-$30 so spending $100+ on a hockey stick still seems insane to me. The only reason I have my RBK 6k is because it was on clearance from hockeygiant awhile back. If I hadn't come across this e-bay auction (~$40 for two shafts) I never would have thought about using an intermediate shaft. If I could track down a decent senior shaft in that flex for $40 or less I'd be all over it.

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My big thing about intermediate shafts is the shaft size, it's just to small for my hands, thats why I think that senoir shafts with lower flexes are a better solution, but that's just what works for me thought.

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Why go with an int shaft, when there are planty of 77 or 75 flex regular shafts.

I have One90 shafts and 7K shafts in 75-77 flex. They are by far my favorite shafts...well other than the one I use in bed...:P

Part of the problem is the length of the shafts. Bauer makes the 77 flex, but I'd need to cut it down 2 inches or more to have the length where I want it. Then it's right back to 85 flex or so. CCM and Warrior make 75 flex shafts, but I'd still need to cut it down an inch or more, and if you want a tapered one it's a lot of money to spend on something you're not sure you'll even like.

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I wonder if a 75 flex stick cut down to the length of an intermediate 65 flex stick really would be all that much stiffer though...shouldn't the flex be for a given length? I.e. if I got a prostock 100 flex stick that was 3" longer than a retail 100 flex stick, it would actually be less than 100 flex if the material is the same, it just has more flex because of the length.

But yeah, I chopped about 4" off my 75 flex Dolo and it didn't really ruin the flex per se, but my 65 flex Mission is just feeling money right now, dead perfect flex.

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I'm just going off of what I've read here.


Maybe it differs from manufacturer to manufacturer, but cutting 2" off a stick changes Nike Bauer's flex rating from a 77 to an 84. Is your Mission 65 flex an intermediate or senior sized? I see that Rebellion Hockey makes senior sized one-piece sticks in 65 and 75 flex, but I don't know of anywhere online that sells them. Supposedly a local pro shop does, so I'll have to look next time I'm there.

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