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Beer league jerseys - names or no names?

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Just curious to see what everyone thinks about getting nice jerseys made up with lettering, etc. A buddy of mine who is a member here said he hates names on jerseys because -

1) We're not kids

2) We're not pros

I guess I agree with him about roller jerseys not having names, but for ice I think names are fine.


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No names, gives the chirping fools on other teams one more thing to use against you. Relive grade school all over again with the name-calling, except now they get more creative and cruel.

We got funny names on our Chiefs jerseys "Shoeless Shippa" "Campbell Soup" "Cow Tipper" "Killer" "Harczc Barczc" (his last name is pronounced Barsh, so it's harsh barsh) just to name a few. We took it as an opportunity to have fun.

You all know each other's names, no need for someone else to know.

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We have names, but one of the reasons I left my last team was the captain appointed themselves, then went and had a C put on the jersey.

C/A on C/D league beer hockey - Douchebaggery in it's highest form.

I have no issue with the names, simply because there were a bunch of us who signed up as individuals to form one team set up by the ice house, not ourselves, so you get to know who is who too.

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No names, no Captain's C or A.

Agreed. Whats even worse is when half the team takes the time to put their name on their jersey and the other half doesn't.

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We have names, but one of the reasons I left my last team was the captain appointed themselves, then went and had a C put on the jersey.

C/A on C/D league beer hockey - Douchebaggery in it's highest form.

I have no issue with the names, simply because there were a bunch of us who signed up as individuals to form one team set up by the ice house, not ourselves, so you get to know who is who too.

It's too bad you decide who is a "douche bag" on the basis of something so trivial.

I say no names... saves money!

Once in a 3 on 3 league my team had A's C's put on and it was all in fun. We had been playing in the league for a few years and 3 of us stayed together while others came and went. I ran the team and made one of the guys, who happens to be a small quiet hard worker, the captain.

It was novel fun. The problem with designating captaincy on jersey is that some people take beer league too seriously and others end up judging you before they even know you.

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ya no point of putting names, cuz then if next season some guys leave and new guys join they will be wearing someone elses last name. plus I dont need the other team knowing my last name. I already get into enough trouble on ice, dont need some dude I pissed off in a hockey game tracking me down to get their revenege.lol

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I agree that no names is a good idea for all the reasons listed above.

However, last season I was unable to play for my team due to school. I had the same uniform for two years. The guys asked for the uniform back after I had paid $500 plus in fees over those two seasons. Since they never said whether we had paid for the jerseys or not or how much the bar had paid towards the jerseys, I thought that was bush league. I would have gladly kept the jersey if I could have. Having my name on th eback would have made that easy. I have no problem with the captain or bar owning the jerseys if they had paid for 100% of it, but I just did not think to ask up front.

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Hmm....well, we have C's and A's and I'm the Captain so....uh...yeah. BUT - I put the team together and putting myself in a leadership role makes me stay out of the box ;)

I can see your point about names, but C's and A's I think are fine, as long as those in charge aren't dicks about it (I'm pretty laid back and would never yell at a teammate).

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Goofy/trying to be funny names on jerseys is just plain trash softball league type of stuff.

College IM, kinda asking for it. There are teams that all have booze brands for names, others with very creative themes.

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Its up to you anyways... we have team names at the front, but mainly cause its the team sponsors business name. They supplied the jerseys, so we just rocked up with the rest of the gear.

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C and A are good in my opinion, because sometimes the stripes won't talk to you unless you have the C or A there. (At least in my beer league.) No names. Our roster is always a bit different from season to season, so it would get really expensive if we got a new jersey everytime instead of "recycling".

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I've seen that happen once (where the ref won't talk to a player who isn't the captain or an assistant) but the ref was a complete asshole so it didn't surprise me.

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I hate names on beer league jerseys almost as much as I hate Cs and As and I am the captain on our team. We have to designate the C and As on the sign in sheet so that isn't an issue for us. People know who the leaders are on a team and a letter isn't going to change that.

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When we had our jerseys made, we put name plates on the back. Everyone seems to like it.

Seriously, If you have a problem with it, maybe you have to much time on your hands.

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I don't really see why it matters if you have names on the back. All the teams in the league I play in have matching jerseys and socks, so why not names too? I read about guys on here buying gear to match their jerseys, but the names on the back are too juvenile?

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When we had our jerseys made, we put name plates on the back. Everyone seems to like it.

Seriously, If you have a problem with it, maybe you have to much time on your hands.

Most of the guys that care about having their name on the back are also the ones that care more about their personal stats than team wins. A sweeping generalization to be sure but it's something I have seen time and time again and is right more often than not.

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When we had our jerseys made, we put name plates on the back. Everyone seems to like it.

Seriously, If you have a problem with it, maybe you have to much time on your hands.

Most of the guys that care about having their name on the back are also the ones that care more about their personal stats than team wins. A sweeping generalization to be sure but it's something I have seen time and time again and is right more often than not.

I think the point, which was brought up by someone just a few posts above, might be: what is the priority of the person who has to have matching equipment or the sharpest looking gear? Isn't that self-centered too? At least personal performance (goals, assists, etc.) helps the team. Looking cool doesn't help you win games.

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one of the dumbest things ive seen from these leagues was my budddies team which put a letter in the C and A spot. The goalie had an F for Franchise, one guy had an S for SNiper, there was a D for dangler, G for gongshow, etc etc. they were mocked by the whole league. strangely enough they did not have names on the back of their jerseys

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