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Bush Gets Shoes thrown at him

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Saw that on the news. My only question- where were the Secret Service guys to beat this punk down? How come he wasn't instantly tackled by 8 jacked bald guys in suits? Or does that only happen in the movies?

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Bush = Felix Potvin-like reflexes

The problem is that Potvin was supposed to get in front of the pucks, not dodge them.

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I was hoping someone was going to bring this up.....I have not laughed so hard in a long time. don't get me wrong I think it is awful that someone would throw a shoe at the president, however the guy had great reaction and kept his cool. He would be a great hockey player.

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Now we know why Iraq doesn't have a baseball team. That guy's accuracy was horrendous.

He threw it right at his head, I was impressed Bush got out of the way, pretty funny. It would have been awesome if he just caught it and threw it back.

Say what you will about Bush, but at least he appears to be pretty athletic. Between this and the called strike right down the pipe at Yankee Stadium following 9/11, I give him an A+ for athletic accomplishments during his two terms.

I also don't really know what you're thinking if you are sitting in that media pool and a guy starts taking off his shoes; I tell you I'd either be running for the exits or trying to tackle him because something bad is obviously going to happen.

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No kidding, but man I keep laughing every time i think about it. The guy must be pretty pissed to do it. Hats off to bush for ducking and it would have been priceless to see him throw it back.

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Saw that on the news. My only question- where were the Secret Service guys to beat this punk down? How come he wasn't instantly tackled by 8 jacked bald guys in suits? Or does that only happen in the movies?

The room that holds a Presidential press conference is the most secure room in the world. Everyone in there gets crosschecked with every Terrorist Watch List and they go through metal detectors and are searched so no deadly weapons are present, which explains why the Secret Service wasn't right next to the President. But even with that, they were on him pretty quick.

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"That hurt.........that really hurt...........who throws their shoes at people? Honestly........."

Exactly what I thought about as soon as I saw it. Even had to youtube it haha.

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i love how when this guy was gettin escorted out he was sayin "ohuch, oh ahh" like he didnt know that he would be pushed around a little bit. idiot. pay the price to do what needs to be done

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Is it just me or does Bush crack a bit of a smile after he ducks the first one?

I thought I saw that smile too...

So, Daddy gets sick at a Chinese (?) State Dinner....that's what it was wasn't it?

And Dubya gets a shoe thrown at him...

Odd legacies for 2 Presidents.

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