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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Patrick Kane's Special ED. Gear

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Anyone see or hear about the sticks and skates Kane helped design and will be using during the Winter Classic? Stuff is pretty sweet looking, the color schemes go along with the old school uniforms they'll be wearing, there's also some dedication to the WC and a couple personal touches from Kane. There making 88 of each and auctioning them off after the WC.



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dont think they look cheesy.

Not my style, but I think he said it best by saying "showtime". Is it 1960s style? No.

That said this isnt the 60s and many like some or a lot of color to their gear to make it stnd out

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I think its a great idea. Another step in the right direction to get the kids excited about hockey in the Chicago area.

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thought he was using lightspeed power holders with LS2.1?

That's not the exact picture, that's a PS rendering.

In the vid, you can see the 2.1 blade has red on it.

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I get such a kick out of when celebrities "design" something. Their entire process consists of "I like that one". Let's give the credit to Patrick Kane on this one, and forget all of the hard work that obviously took place by real industrial designers and engineers, so that this kid could put his name on it. Kind of like labelling Britney Spears a fragrance designer.

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white toe caps... would make it better since theres so much white on the skate

That would definatly be way too much white then, i think it looks good they way it is.

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