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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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What do you use to protect your shield?

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I went through my mom's linens and snagged the old dinosaur pillowcase I loved as a kid. Got some laughs in the locker room with that one, and some copycats went and got similar ones.

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I make it a habit to tack the extra $6 on for the IW helmet bag every time I get a new helmet. All of my helmets and the corresponding shield that goes with them have their own bag that keeps them scratch and scuff free.

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I use a "1Xcel" helmet bag.

This is what I use, as well. I throw my new helmet with a full cage on it or my old helmet with the 1Xcel half shield in the bag depending on whether I am assisting at a practice or playing, it fits either one easily & has kept my helmets & half shield scratch free while traveling.

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Towel and a helmet bag and I still had a couple nicks in my shield last night when I pulled it out of the bag.

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