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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Do you really like her? or just looking for someone to go to the Prom with...

I'd say do it in a sincere manner, rather than a half hearted effort.

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Any girl I've talked to definitely appreciates the effort it takes to actually talk to her as opposed to mail, email, txt, whatever. Oh, and in person is key.

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  tcraig said:
Any girl I've talked to definitely appreciates the effort it takes to actually talk to her as opposed to mail, email, txt, whatever. Oh, and in person is key.
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I would have assumed you were already familiar with the girl in question; if there is a chance she would say no, then in person is indeed key. If you were asking your already established girlfriend to prom then I dont see the reason why in person would be better necessarily. Well maybe these damn kids today wouldn't get it but anyone over 24 out there right now would probably love to get something in the mail other than junk and bills :P

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Do as I did;

"So hey, I've got this hotel room for Prom night, so do you want to go old school and attend some ridiculous dance that we won't enjoy for 7 hours or just cut straight to trying to knock plaster off the walls?"

My prom was less than stellar, she chose dancing. I kid, I kid, there was no hotel room. Prom did suck though, the highlight was the flower-shaped butters for dinner.

Who thinks it's a good idea to make every table get up during dinner, walk past a camera, sit back down, then sell the DVD of everyone awkwardly walking by for $25 at the end of the night?

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  ArcArsenal said:
  reyno2ac said:
Just ask her.
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Agreed. Just get her alone and ask in a sincere way. Afterall, this is a prom proposal not a wedding proposal....save the good material for later ;)

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Go simple. Be sincere. Don't make it out like you're trying to just nail her like in American Pie.

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It doesn't sound like you two are an item, so I'd prefer the straightforward approach. Get her away from her friends -- who can be gatekeepers -- and ask her if she'd be like to go with you.

The worst that will happen is she'll let you know that she's not the right one for you by saying 'No', freeing you up to find someone better to ask.

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Take a page from the Zits comic strip. Dress up in a gorilla suit and hide somewhere you know she'll walk by. Jump out, scare the crap out of her, then ask her.

That or do what I did.

"You there, want to go to prom?"

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  twistoffate19 said:
Take a page from the Zits comic strip. Dress up in a gorilla suit and hide somewhere you know she'll walk by. Jump out, scare the crap out of her, then ask her.

That or do what I did.

"You there, want to go to prom?"

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Hahah I remember that one. It was pretty recent.

A friend of mine asked a girl by getting one of those window chalk things and wrote "Prom?" on the rear windshield with a rose and a card on the front windshield.

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we don't have the "prom" up in canada. we just call it "grad" and it doesn't seem to be quite the big deal that a prom is...as in i don't see why you would have to go out of your way to do something special, just ask.

+1 to lampliter87

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I was being sarcastic in response to Mack... if a poor kid wants help, we should be more than willing to give him some, and he should simply not read the thread if he doesn't want to.

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