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Don Cherry blasts Ovechkin on HNIC

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Don Cherry, the man who wears loud, attention grabbing suits, and says things to provoke others, is now the expert on how not to be loud, attention grabbing and doing things that won't provoke others?

Please, if Bobby Orrs celebrations are a nice black suit, Ovechkin is Cherry

And 4 days before the trade deadline, he couldn't think of something of worth to talk about in coaches corner?

He is just becoming more and more irrelevant as the years go by

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Don Cherry, the man who wears loud, attention grabbing suits, and says things to provoke others, is now the expert on how not to be loud, attention grabbing and doing things that won't provoke others?

Please, if Bobby Orrs celebrations are a nice black suit, Ovechkin is Cherry

And 4 days before the trade deadline, he couldn't think of something of worth to talk about in coaches corner?

He is just becoming more and more irrelevant as the years go by

Love the analogy, so true

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funny, didnt see Cherry go after Burrows after he scored his second goal the other night, looked alot like ovy's celebration too.

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funny, didnt see Cherry go after Burrows after he scored his second goal the other night, looked alot like ovy's celebration too.

Or Eric Staal, who done the jumping on the glass that ovey does after he scored his penalty shot against the caps.

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Let me get this straight, somewhere in this thread I noticed there was a comparison between an arrogant idiot doing some sort of contortion in an end zone with a look on his face like his shit don't stink or signing an autograph, answering a phone etc the arrogant look on their faces imply the rest of the world are a bunch of losers (ok maybe I over stated what was said on here) vs a solid young man that obviously loves every moment of playing a game he loves.

Proof to me that his celebrations are good for the sport came to me yesterday during a team party for a bunch of 8 year olds. Each boy had to stand up and say something about the year and add who their favorite player is. Overwhelmingly the boys picked Ovy. Sid came up as did Gretzky (my kid tell me I was not proud - obviously the smartest kid on the team). They love his passion, he is the kind of guy that coaches can draw motivation from. The way his passion and love of the game is translated by young boys is proof to me that there is nothing wrong with Ovy or his celebration. He is the most dynamic player in the league so get over it Cherry you idiot.

Well, 8-year-olds also prefer Mylie Cyrus and the Jonas Brothers. :rolleyes:

Yeah the girls and the gay one's. My kids listen to Rock and Roll and Country and play hockey. they frown at kids that listen to hip hop. THANK GOD!

Age has nothing to do with this discussion. How does Patrice Bergeron celebrate a goal?

Not sure because it snot nearly as often.

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Let me get this straight, somewhere in this thread I noticed there was a comparison between an arrogant idiot doing some sort of contortion in an end zone with a look on his face like his shit don't stink or signing an autograph, answering a phone etc the arrogant look on their faces imply the rest of the world are a bunch of losers (ok maybe I over stated what was said on here) vs a solid young man that obviously loves every moment of playing a game he loves.

Proof to me that his celebrations are good for the sport came to me yesterday during a team party for a bunch of 8 year olds. Each boy had to stand up and say something about the year and add who their favorite player is. Overwhelmingly the boys picked Ovy. Sid came up as did Gretzky (my kid tell me I was not proud - obviously the smartest kid on the team). They love his passion, he is the kind of guy that coaches can draw motivation from. The way his passion and love of the game is translated by young boys is proof to me that there is nothing wrong with Ovy or his celebration. He is the most dynamic player in the league so get over it Cherry you idiot.

Well, 8-year-olds also prefer Mylie Cyrus and the Jonas Brothers. :huh:

Yeah the girls and the gay one's. My kids listen to Rock and Roll and Country and play hockey. they frown at kids that listen to hip hop. THANK GOD!

Wow. You are intentionally raising your children to judge other children on the basis of the music they listen to? Breathtaking. Words fail.

What a tragedy.

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Let me get this straight, somewhere in this thread I noticed there was a comparison between an arrogant idiot doing some sort of contortion in an end zone with a look on his face like his shit don't stink or signing an autograph, answering a phone etc the arrogant look on their faces imply the rest of the world are a bunch of losers
My kids listen to Rock and Roll and Country and play hockey. they frown at kids that listen to hip hop. THANK GOD!

Hmm, I can hazard a guess as to where this is coming from. Let me guess, you have a Confederate flag or bumper sticker, don't you ?

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Don Cherry, the man who wears loud, attention grabbing suits, and says things to provoke others, is now the expert on how not to be loud, attention grabbing and doing things that won't provoke others?

Don Cherry isn't playing hockey in a loud, attention grabbing suit.

The argument is that Ovechkin is showing up his opponents with his over the top celebrations, and I don't think that is a ridiculous argument to make. He is. So what if he is doing it for the love of scoring or whatever you want to call it? So what if this is somehow drawing new fans to the sport (which I don't buy)? I'm pretty sure his opponents don't particularly care why he's jumping all over the ice after every goal, they are probably pissed off about it just the same.

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Don Cherry, the man who wears loud, attention grabbing suits, and says things to provoke others, is now the expert on how not to be loud, attention grabbing and doing things that won't provoke others?

Don Cherry isn't playing hockey in a loud, attention grabbing suit.

The argument is that Ovechkin is showing up his opponents with his over the top celebrations, and I don't think that is a ridiculous argument to make. He is. So what if he is doing it for the love of scoring or whatever you want to call it? So what if this is somehow drawing new fans to the sport (which I don't buy)? I'm pretty sure his opponents don't particularly care why he's jumping all over the ice after every goal, they are probably pissed off about it just the same.

Yeah, Don has never shown anybody up in a hockey game... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rAJWUI8cBLo...feature=related watch at the 6 second mark, even though you've all ready seen it.

For those that havent read the story, this is Don Cherry when he was coaching, showing up the refs and essentially accusing them of making a call for the fans.

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Don Cherry, the man who wears loud, attention grabbing suits, and says things to provoke others, is now the expert on how not to be loud, attention grabbing and doing things that won't provoke others?

Don Cherry isn't playing hockey in a loud, attention grabbing suit.

The argument is that Ovechkin is showing up his opponents with his over the top celebrations, and I don't think that is a ridiculous argument to make. He is. So what if he is doing it for the love of scoring or whatever you want to call it? So what if this is somehow drawing new fans to the sport (which I don't buy)? I'm pretty sure his opponents don't particularly care why he's jumping all over the ice after every goal, they are probably pissed off about it just the same.

Ovey doesn't show up his opponents. Look at his celebrations on the road, compared to home. Much more muted, unless he is getting booed a lot, in which case, he will give a bit back.

He doesn't get in anyones face, and there are plenty of north american players who celebrate similarly that don't get called out for it. Look at almost all crosby's celebrations this season, down to one knee or jumps off the glass too. Staal bumping the glass.

Mike Richards said it doesn't bother them, but it gets the caps home fans fired up. Jeff Carter said the Verizon Center was the loudest place he's ever played in when the fans get into it.

This is not about showing up fans. This is Don Cherry whining, and singling out Ovechkin for doing what many others already do.

Just because they don't get the chance to do it 60 odd times a year means it's not as noticible.

Crosby last night, Kennedy in florida skating to the glass, shaking his stick, calling his team down.


This whole "showing up" other players is BS.

These guys are some of the greatest athletes in the world, playing a game with immense pressure in it, and when they score, there is a natural release.

Why is it Cherry is the one complaining about it?

Who else is complaining, apart from Crosby, who only commented after he was getting into it with Ovey.

Cherry should be complaining that every time Crosby goes after someone, he is jabbing his stick in, dirty plays like that, but he doesn't.

There is nothing in ovechkins body language or attitude that suggests this is to show up other players. It's nothing more than natural excitement, which he displays on and off the ice (go find the video of him playing computer games with the kids on the cancer ward, let me guess, he's showing them up too by laughing when he knocked them down in wii boxing)

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Maybe I'm a little confused.. since when are you supposed to be conserved and show no emotion after a goal? That's the point of the game right? to score? So when you win the cup, which is the point of the whole season, are you supposed to stand there and say, 'oh that's cool, we won'? No. you jump all over your teammates, shout, go crazy. Its called PASSION. and its something this league has been severely lacking. Ovechkin brings it night after night and Cherry is just pissed its not some Canadian boy. THAT'S what brings in the new fans, the passion. These people are on the ice to ENTERTAIN us. I cant believe they give that racist hypocrite his own segment..

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Maybe I'm a little confused.. since when are you supposed to be conserved and show no emotion after a goal? That's the point of the game right? to score? So when you win the cup, which is the point of the whole season, are you supposed to stand there and say, 'oh that's cool, we won'? No. you jump all over your teammates, shout, go crazy. Its called PASSION. and its something this league has been severely lacking. Ovechkin brings it night after night and Cherry is just pissed its not some Canadian boy. THAT'S what brings in the new fans, the passion. These people are on the ice to ENTERTAIN us. I cant believe they give that racist hypocrite his own segment..

It's called CLASS.

You are beyond reasoning with if you can't see why there should be a difference in how you celebrate when you win the Stanley Cup and when you score a first period goal in November.

I love the passion Ovy plays with, I just would like to see him reel it in a bit on the goal celebrations. I don't think he is intentionally showing up his opponent, but regardless of his intent, he's still showing them up. I guarantee an old school player like Pronger isn't saying to himself on the bench. "ah, he's just having fun" while Ovechkin jumps around the ice after a goal. And just because players aren't coming out in the media saying they don't appreciate his antics doesn't mean Don Cherry is the only person in hockey that has a bit of a problem with it.

Cherry is a xenophobe, maybe even a racist....but he's also one of the most knowledgable hockey people in the media, he watches dozens of hockey games a week at every level, he's been around pro hockey for probably close to 50 years. He knows what he is talking about. If you can get by the histronics and bluster and really boil it down to what he is saying, the fact is, he is usually right.

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Don Cherry, the man who wears loud, attention grabbing suits, and says things to provoke others, is now the expert on how not to be loud, attention grabbing and doing things that won't provoke others?

Don Cherry isn't playing hockey in a loud, attention grabbing suit.

The argument is that Ovechkin is showing up his opponents with his over the top celebrations, and I don't think that is a ridiculous argument to make. He is. So what if he is doing it for the love of scoring or whatever you want to call it? So what if this is somehow drawing new fans to the sport (which I don't buy)? I'm pretty sure his opponents don't particularly care why he's jumping all over the ice after every goal, they are probably pissed off about it just the same.

Ovey doesn't show up his opponents. Look at his celebrations on the road, compared to home. Much more muted, unless he is getting booed a lot, in which case, he will give a bit back.

He doesn't get in anyones face, and there are plenty of north american players who celebrate similarly that don't get called out for it. Look at almost all crosby's celebrations this season, down to one knee or jumps off the glass too. Staal bumping the glass.

Mike Richards said it doesn't bother them, but it gets the caps home fans fired up. Jeff Carter said the Verizon Center was the loudest place he's ever played in when the fans get into it.

This is not about showing up fans. This is Don Cherry whining, and singling out Ovechkin for doing what many others already do.

Just because they don't get the chance to do it 60 odd times a year means it's not as noticible.

Crosby last night, Kennedy in florida skating to the glass, shaking his stick, calling his team down.


This whole "showing up" other players is BS.

These guys are some of the greatest athletes in the world, playing a game with immense pressure in it, and when they score, there is a natural release.

Why is it Cherry is the one complaining about it?

Who else is complaining, apart from Crosby, who only commented after he was getting into it with Ovey.

Cherry should be complaining that every time Crosby goes after someone, he is jabbing his stick in, dirty plays like that, but he doesn't.

There is nothing in ovechkins body language or attitude that suggests this is to show up other players. It's nothing more than natural excitement, which he displays on and off the ice (go find the video of him playing computer games with the kids on the cancer ward, let me guess, he's showing them up too by laughing when he knocked them down in wii boxing)

"Act like you've done it before and intend to do it again and often."

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I can see this argument if we were talking about high school hockey where there is a sense of cockiness or arrogance when a player jumps into the glass or something. But since when does OV give a damn about Pronger's feelings? This is your OPPONENT. These are the same people creaming you into the boards when you fly up the wing or into the corner. You don't owe him anything from the start of the game, to the end. Before and after? sure. be classy and respectful. But once the puck drops, I'm sorry but anything goes. (obvious exceptions like hitting from behind...ect) You just scored a goal on them, be excited. Maybe your too old school and I'm too new school for any type of middle ground here, but i find your philosophy boring and out dated.

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I think Cherry's argument is best applicable in the Olympic setting, where the overriding purpose of the tournament is to showcase national talent and to foster goodwill among nations. Goodness knows, fostering goodwill among teams is not the purpose for which NHL games are organized.

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I think many of you are missing the point that Don Cherry was trying to make; he doesn't want the game to change.

Over-the-top celebrations, as seen in European soccer & American football, have no place in the NHL. With Ovy, it's nowhere near that...but it can get there. If the next generation of NHL'ers are all about showing off, like players of other sports, it will take away from the game and ruin the culture of 'all guts - no glory' that has been the mantra of NHL since Lord Stanley was a tike.

In a greater context; this is just another area where the game is changing. The game is softer, there's more cheap-shots, and scoring goals is now more important than winning. Personally, I think 0-1 goal games are the best...the brass at the NHL think high scoring games is what sells tickets. I think the NHL's marketing team & governing body relies on the cunning use of fortune cookies to make rule changes.

Big picture people.

The game has changed and will continue to change. In the eyes of Don Cherry, it is quickly becoming European soccer; players are diving left & right, BS hooking/holding/interference calls, instigating penalties, and now over-the-top goal celebrations. What Cherry is pointing out with Ovy is just another example of a larger issue facing the NHL. When you have 1 or 2 guys going overboard with celebrations...no biggie. When you have the biggest celebrity in the NHL doing it...that's a big deal as others, especially the young aspiring hockey players, will continue to push the envelope of taste & class.

He doesn't want the game to change. (and I don't blame him)

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Let me get this straight, somewhere in this thread I noticed there was a comparison between an arrogant idiot doing some sort of contortion in an end zone with a look on his face like his shit don't stink or signing an autograph, answering a phone etc the arrogant look on their faces imply the rest of the world are a bunch of losers
My kids listen to Rock and Roll and Country and play hockey. they frown at kids that listen to hip hop. THANK GOD!

Hmm, I can hazard a guess as to where this is coming from. Let me guess, you have a Confederate flag or bumper sticker, don't you ?

Not quite just cannot stand the music. No bumper left on my trailer either.....Mylie Cyrus are you kidding me? I mention hip hop because I do not know how to categorize the teenie bopper music and you go off the deep.

Get a life and a sense of humor.

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If I wanted to watch pro wrestling then I would watch pro wrestling.

Hell, I'd watch Antiques Roadshow too if that's what I was looking for. This is a sport, full of passion and emotion. The WWE was possibly one of the highest grossing events in the 90's. They still broadcast these on PPV and I can guarantee you they do great on them. What is wrong with the OV helping bring in that kind of cash-cow?

Remember, any coverage is good coverage.

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"Act like you've done it before and intend to do it again and often."

He is, Cherry is just pissed that it's not a canadian doing it as often.

Look at Rick Nash celebrate his goals, Crosby too, Staal, all jumping into the glass, or dropping down to one knee etc.

It's a game, it's meant to have passion, what ovechkin is doing is showing excitement and passion.

Anyway, it's becoming a circular argument now, everyone has their opinion on it

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If I wanted to watch pro wrestling then I would watch pro wrestling.

I used to say that about the Devils

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Let me get this straight, somewhere in this thread I noticed there was a comparison between an arrogant idiot doing some sort of contortion in an end zone with a look on his face like his shit don't stink or signing an autograph, answering a phone etc the arrogant look on their faces imply the rest of the world are a bunch of losers
My kids listen to Rock and Roll and Country and play hockey. they frown at kids that listen to hip hop. THANK GOD!

Hmm, I can hazard a guess as to where this is coming from. Let me guess, you have a Confederate flag or bumper sticker, don't you ?

Not quite just cannot stand the music. No bumper left on my trailer either.....Mylie Cyrus are you kidding me? I mention hip hop because I do not know how to categorize the teenie bopper music and you go off the deep.

Get a life and a sense of humor.

Maybe you should realize you sounded really friggin insulting.

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I can see this argument if we were talking about high school hockey where there is a sense of cockiness or arrogance when a player jumps into the glass or something. But since when does OV give a damn about Pronger's feelings? This is your OPPONENT. These are the same people creaming you into the boards when you fly up the wing or into the corner. You don't owe him anything from the start of the game, to the end. Before and after? sure. be classy and respectful. But once the puck drops, I'm sorry but anything goes. (obvious exceptions like hitting from behind...ect) You just scored a goal on them, be excited. Maybe your too old school and I'm too new school for any type of middle ground here, but i find your philosophy boring and out dated.

You are 100% right that Ovy doesn't have to give a damn about Pronger, or anybody else's, feelings. Cherry is just making the point that while he may not care about Pronger's feelings, he'll certainly care about Pronger's elbow when he sticks it in his chops. You celebrate like that, someone is going to take a run at you, that's what Cherry was saying.

And just because you think Cherry doesn't have class, doesn't mean that he isn't right about this subject or doesn't know anything about hockey. Half of this thread is people just bitching about Don Cherry, rather than actually trying to argue against his point, which is simply that Ovechkin's celebrations are over the top, disrespectful to the game and his opponenets, and if he isn't careful someone is going to take a run at him because of it.

Hell, when I see guy's celebrating too much in my men's league I make a mental note of it. Not that I intend to pay them back physically, moreso I'd rather just score against them and let them know about it....but in the NHL, you are crazy if you don't think a few guys have seen OV's act and have taken his number down because of it.

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I can see this argument if we were talking about high school hockey where there is a sense of cockiness or arrogance when a player jumps into the glass or something. But since when does OV give a damn about Pronger's feelings? This is your OPPONENT. These are the same people creaming you into the boards when you fly up the wing or into the corner. You don't owe him anything from the start of the game, to the end. Before and after? sure. be classy and respectful. But once the puck drops, I'm sorry but anything goes. (obvious exceptions like hitting from behind...ect) You just scored a goal on them, be excited. Maybe your too old school and I'm too new school for any type of middle ground here, but i find your philosophy boring and out dated.

You are 100% right that Ovy doesn't have to give a damn about Pronger, or anybody else's, feelings. Cherry is just making the point that while he may not care about Pronger's feelings, he'll certainly care about Pronger's elbow when he sticks it in his chops. You celebrate like that, someone is going to take a run at you, that's what Cherry was saying.

And just because you think Cherry doesn't have class, doesn't mean that he isn't right about this subject or doesn't know anything about hockey. Half of this thread is people just bitching about Don Cherry, rather than actually trying to argue against his point, which is simply that Ovechkin's celebrations are over the top, disrespectful to the game and his opponenets, and if he isn't careful someone is going to take a run at him because of it.

Hell, when I see guy's celebrating too much in my men's league I make a mental note of it. Not that I intend to pay them back physically, moreso I'd rather just score against them and let them know about it....but in the NHL, you are crazy if you don't think a few guys have seen OV's act and have taken his number down because of it.

I contend that Pronger sticking his elbow in someone's chops is far more disrespectful of the game than Ovechkin celebrating a goal by pumping his fist or jumping up against the glass. In Pronger's case, he is intentionally breaking a rule and attempting to injure a fellow member of the league. In fact, if he succeeds in injuring someone of the caliber of an Ovechkin or a Crosby, he will by definition lower the quality and the value of the league. On the other hand, if Ovechkin leaps up against the glass after scoring, he may well be drawing attenion to himself, but he is also drawing attention to the fact that he loves playing the game. God forbid high profile celebrations of the game.

Just because Pronger might not be able to control his junior high testosterone frenzy in your hypothetical doesn't mean that Cherry should be calling for Ovechkin to rein in the game's best advertisement. If anything, the prospect of Pronger's elbow drilling Ovechkin's head suggests to me that Cherry ought to be cheerleading the league's attempt to reduce blows to the head. Cherry ought to make himself useful and start agitating against blows to the head. Then he'd really be advancing the sport by protecting its most valuable asset: its players.

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