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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bauer Vapor X60 vs. NikeBauer One95

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Hello everybody. I have had the new Rbk 9k skates and they are falling apart. Before the Rbk´s, I had the One90s and they were allright. I need new skates for the new season. I have heard just great stuff about the One95 and nobody had any complaines about it. But, from what I have heard so far, the X60 are awesome. Can you guys help me what skate I should buy??


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From what I've read here, they are going to fit very differently. The X-60 is going to be narrow, and lower cut, and the One95 is going to be a deeper wider fitting boot.

That's all I have to offer

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well theres plenty of info of the one95 out there so i wont touch on any of that, but compared to the XXXX, the X60 is going to be not as stiff, theres a completely different liner inside which is very nice (almost like a 2-piece liner, (dont know how good it will be for the non-sockers though), thick lace bite insert on the tongue. overall similar to the XXXX though.

the x60 will be like the xxxx with its sort of universal fit, and the one95 has the whole zero negative space thing going on (which i personally love)

in the end you need to try both on at your lhs and decide for yourself

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From what I have heard the X:60 is a old Vapor 30 with new cosmetics. I also heard the new Vapor X:60 will be narrower then the Vapor XXXX. Ia m not sure if the new X: line is narrower than the current Vapor across the board or if it's just the X:60. Please correct me if I am wrong.

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From what I have heard the X:60 is a old Vapor 30 with new cosmetics. I also heard the new Vapor X:60 will be narrower then the Vapor XXXX. Ia m not sure if the new X: line is narrower than the current Vapor across the board or if it's just the X:60. Please correct me if I am wrong.

The X:60 may be from the same last as the xxx boot, but it is definately not the same skate. I do think i heard something about it being the same fit but there are a lot of new materials and features to set it apart from the xxx. basically it will fit like a vapor and have new features and materials in the boot.

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ok, but let me ask you this, and let's forget for a sec the whole fit thing, let's say they both fit great. is it really justified the difference in the price between the x:50 and the one75? texalium, check, tech mesh check, ls2 check. because from what i see the x:50 was supposed to be something better than the xxv but not as good as the xxxx, but right now they look more and more like x:60-one95, x:50-one75 and x:40-one55, and that's ok, but why so expensive the x:50 compared to the one75 when the top price is still on the supreme line???? just askin'...

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ok, but let me ask you this, and let's forget for a sec the whole fit thing, let's say they both feet great. is it really justified the difference in the price between the x:50 and the one75? texalium, check, tech mesh check, ls2 check. because from what i see the x:50 was supposed to be something better than the xxv but not as good as the xxxx, but right now they look more and more like x:60-one95, x:50-one75 and x:40-one55, and that's ok, but why so expensive the x:50???? just askin'.....

Because the X:50 is covering a price point in which Bauer would not have a skate in.

The X:50 is very similar to the XXXX.

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ok, but let me ask you this, and let's forget for a sec the whole fit thing, let's say they both feet great. is it really justified the difference in the price between the x:50 and the one75? texalium, check, tech mesh check, ls2 check. because from what i see the x:50 was supposed to be something better than the xxv but not as good as the xxxx, but right now they look more and more like x:60-one95, x:50-one75 and x:40-one55, and that's ok, but why so expensive the x:50???? just askin'.....

Because the X:50 is covering a price point in which Bauer would not have a skate in.

The X:50 is very similar to the XXXX.

I know you said that a while ago, but the x:50 is similar to the XXXX as is the one75 to the one90, right? what I'm asking, why is it more expensive? Is it really, when compared to the one75, that much better (I know the fact with the price point)??? I am interested in buying a pair of x:50 (I can get past the silver tongue :ph34r: ) and I am trying to get as much info as I can. I am sure as always the best deal is the first model down from the top one.

and quick question JR, from what you know, the tongue on the x:50 is like on the one95/flexlite18 sort off (thick felt with lacebite inserts and all that)?

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ok, but let me ask you this, and let's forget for a sec the whole fit thing, let's say they both feet great. is it really justified the difference in the price between the x:50 and the one75? texalium, check, tech mesh check, ls2 check. because from what i see the x:50 was supposed to be something better than the xxv but not as good as the xxxx, but right now they look more and more like x:60-one95, x:50-one75 and x:40-one55, and that's ok, but why so expensive the x:50???? just askin'.....

Because the X:50 is covering a price point in which Bauer would not have a skate in.

The X:50 is very similar to the XXXX.

In fit? volume or what? When everyone is saying the X60 is similar to the Vapor XXX..is it in volume? boot shape and last? Or is it in the profile of the boot?

My Vapor XXXXs fit my fit pretty nicely, the old Vapor XXs didnt fit at all.

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ok, but let me ask you this, and let's forget for a sec the whole fit thing, let's say they both feet great. is it really justified the difference in the price between the x:50 and the one75? texalium, check, tech mesh check, ls2 check. because from what i see the x:50 was supposed to be something better than the xxv but not as good as the xxxx, but right now they look more and more like x:60-one95, x:50-one75 and x:40-one55, and that's ok, but why so expensive the x:50???? just askin'.....

Because the X:50 is covering a price point in which Bauer would not have a skate in.

The X:50 is very similar to the XXXX.

In fit? volume or what? When everyone is saying the X60 is similar to the Vapor XXX..is it in volume? boot shape and last? Or is it in the profile of the boot?

My Vapor XXXXs fit my fit pretty nicely, the old Vapor XXs didnt fit at all.

The 60 is the same in the 30 only in the fact as it has the same feel in break in. The liner and everything else is totally different. I have never been able to wear Bauer and feel comfortable skating...this is so much different I loved it and it was to wide!

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So it is as wide or wider than the XXXXs??

Still good for wide at the front, narrow at the heel types?

Well there in and on sale now and yes the best fit is a narrow heel wider front...awesome heel lock!

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Hello everybody. I have had the new Rbk 9k skates and they are falling apart. Before the Rbk´s, I had the One90s and they were allright. I need new skates for the new season. I have heard just great stuff about the One95 and nobody had any complaines about it. But, from what I have heard so far, the X60 are awesome. Can you guys help me what skate I should buy??


Which ever skate doesn't make your face cringe in pain is the one you should put your money towards.

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So it is as wide or wider than the XXXXs??

Still good for wide at the front, narrow at the heel types?

from my limited (a month trying to make them work with no luck) experience with XXXX they by no means are meant for a "wide at the front, narrow at the heel types" - I'd say it's actually opposite - narrow & low volume in the forefoot, mid to wide heel...

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experience with XXXX they by no means are meant for a "wide at the front, narrow at the heel types" -

That's my foot shape and they work great for me. I had 705s before (in a W) and have the XXXXs in a D and I get great heel lock. Thogh they definitely aren't as deep as the One95s.

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JR, are you saying the X60s should have a tighter heel pocket than the XXXX when you say"went back to the triangle shape"?

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Yep, they went back to the triangle shape they had gotten away from in the XXXX.

if that's the case i may have to look into the X:60 as the XXXX is not working for me in the heel and not sure how the one90s are compared to the one95 i couldn't fit the one90's very well.

i hope i get that full time job!

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So it is as wide or wider than the XXXXs??

Still good for wide at the front, narrow at the heel types?

from my limited (a month trying to make them work with no luck) experience with XXXX they by no means are meant for a "wide at the front, narrow at the heel types" - I'd say it's actually opposite - narrow & low volume in the forefoot, mid to wide heel...

Well knowing who "Jordan" is buying them for his son is wider but not extremely wide as he is younger.

But overall with the new toe cap and the heel as it is it is made for a V shaped foot. If you have a high arch and thick instep that might be why they are not working for you!

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I tried on the 60s today and out of the box they felt really good....with some good heating up I can tell they will fit really nice...overall very nice skate. I would not say the fit is much different then the 40's i'd say the 60s fit a bit bigger. I have a 6d in 40s and I had to stretch them out prior to using them...the 60s fit fine out of the box.

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