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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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New Reebok Stick Line

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As some of you have noted, the new Reebok stick line is now available in stores. As the Stick Product Manager for Reebok Hockey, I'm here to answer any questions that you may have or simply get your feedback.

As such, feel free to post your questions or comments and I'll try to answer as many as possible by May 1st. My objective isn't to promote Reebok sticks and I'm not here to discredit any of the other sticks in the marketplace. Simply, I want to get your feedback to improve future products or keep you informed about the new stick line.



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Welcome aboard. I like the simple look of the 10K, are there any plans to expand it the patterns available? Perhaps, an Iginla/P12 clone? The Datsyuk was just too much of a canoe oar for me.

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I just wanted to say kudos on the 09 stick line. Very good looking stick in the 10k and the two that I have used have been very solid thus far. Very much improved in my opinion.

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Thanks for welcoming me to the site.

We don't have an exact clone of the Iginla curve. If the Datsyuk curve didn't work for you, you might prefer the Hamrlik which is our old Modano or the new Spezza which is very similar to the Ovechkin CCM curve.

I just wanted to say kudos on the 09 stick line. Very good looking stick in the 10k and the two that I have used have been very solid thus far. Very much improved in my opinion.

Thank you for sharing your feedback.

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Are the Pro Stock 10K sticks out there a composite blade or a wood blade in a compostite shaft? Just curious as I've found a few of them to latch onto and they're not due in for a couple days. Thanks for any info you can provide...

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Hey, what are the differences between the 6k, new 5k and old 5k? Thanks. Also the 10k is a phenominal looking stick.

There are three main differences between the 6k and 5k. The 6k has a different grip (new Shark Skin VS Snake Grip), it's about 40 grams lighter and has a stiffer blade than the 5k.

Thanks for your comment about the design of the 10k. I'll pass it along to my designers.

Are the Pro Stock 10K sticks out there a composite blade or a wood blade in a compostite shaft? Just curious as I've found a few of them to latch onto and they're not due in for a couple days. Thanks for any info you can provide...

10k Pro stock sticks are made with composite blades.

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Are the Pro Stock 10K sticks out there a composite blade or a wood blade in a compostite shaft? Just curious as I've found a few of them to latch onto and they're not due in for a couple days. Thanks for any info you can provide...

10k Pro stock sticks are made with composite blades.

That isn't exactly 100% accurate. I have seen some fused "10K" sticks as well as all wood "10K" sticks. Speeza is just one of a few that I've seen.

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Welcome aboard. I like the simple look of the 10K, are there any plans to expand it the patterns available? Perhaps, an Iginla/P12 clone? The Datsyuk was just too much of a canoe oar for me.

absolutely +1 on that...

and its not the curve that doesn't work...its pretty similar...its the length of the blade...i absolutely love short blades and i'm sure chippa does too ^^

just to add, i always wanted to combine the o-stick and the sickick...but rather than the holes on the bottom i would put it in the middle and then keep that sickick part...i think it would make the ultimate stick but i doubt you'd guys would do it...just wanted to know if you've ever thought of it.

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Are the Pro Stock 10K sticks out there a composite blade or a wood blade in a compostite shaft? Just curious as I've found a few of them to latch onto and they're not due in for a couple days. Thanks for any info you can provide...

10k Pro stock sticks are made with composite blades.

That isn't exactly 100% accurate. I have seen some fused "10K" sticks as well as all wood "10K" sticks. Speeza is just one of a few that I've seen.

Correcting the product manager on his first day --love it! Welcome to MSH...come strong or don't come at all!

Don't you hate it when people know more about your product than you do -- Good luck from a fellow product manager (teeth not hockey -- lucky bastard!)

by the way...next time you need some sticks field tested I'd love to help you out -- in return I could get you some new teeth or a grille... :D

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I wasn't correcting, I was clearifying. He didn't state that ALL 10K pro stock sticks are made with composite blades, but he did imply it... Which may be technically correct(would a wood stick painted like a 10K be a 10K?).

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I wasn't correcting, I was clearifying. He didn't state that ALL 10K pro stock sticks are made with composite blades, but he did imply it... Which may be technically correct(would a wood stick painted like a 10K be a 10K?).

Whatever you want to call it...I enjoyed it and I get the same thing on the industry boards I frequent. Wish I could hang out here all day and call it work...

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Well, when my 3 sticks are here I'll post up what I find. I appreciate the reply Ollie. Nice to have you aboard here to give even more wealth of information to an already great site. :)

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I wasn't correcting, I was clearifying. He didn't state that ALL 10K pro stock sticks are made with composite blades, but he did imply it... Which may be technically correct(would a wood stick painted like a 10K be a 10K?).

To clarify this issue, we have two types of Pro sticks: Stock and Custom. Our stock sticks come with composite blades as I stated earlier. Our custom sticks however can either come with a composite or wood blade depending on the player. Note that the vast majority of custom sticks come with composite blades.

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I wasn't correcting, I was clearifying. He didn't state that ALL 10K pro stock sticks are made with composite blades, but he did imply it... Which may be technically correct(would a wood stick painted like a 10K be a 10K?).

Whatever you want to call it...I enjoyed it and I get the same thing on the industry boards I frequent. Wish I could hang out here all day and call it work...

Haha, I do.

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I wasn't correcting, I was clearifying. He didn't state that ALL 10K pro stock sticks are made with composite blades, but he did imply it... Which may be technically correct(would a wood stick painted like a 10K be a 10K?).

To clarify this issue, we have two types of Pro sticks: Stock and Custom. Our stock sticks come with composite blades as I stated earlier. Our custom sticks however can either come with a composite or wood blade depending on the player. Note that the vast majority of custom sticks come with composite blades.

...and most would be stock, non-player specific sticks.

Just looking to clarify because "too old" is waiting for a 10K OPS that appears to have a fused wood blade... although he was told it was composite.

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Is CCM/RBK ever going to make a sakic clone at retail? I've always wanted to try your sticks, but not having my curve is major hindrance.

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Welcome to the site. It's great to have such direct access to the backbone of the industry. We all appreciate your presence. I have a 10K Pro Stock H11 curve, first what exactly are your specs on that curve, as I'm slowly starting to like it more than my fav retail modano curve, and I just bought a second one. Second, the blade is different than retail obviously, what's the major difference between the two besides just the difference in the carbon weave? The Design of the stick is Phenomenal. Simple yet attractive. The Grip is dead on, not too much. Is the 10K replacement blade different than the blade in the retail OPS version?

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Which of the patterns are 6 and which are 5 lie? I've been hearing conflicting info elsewhere...

Most of our patterns are actually a lie 6.

Is CCM/RBK ever going to make a sakic clone at retail? I've always wanted to try your sticks, but not having my curve is major hindrance.

Good question. The current Crosby curve is the closest we have to the Easton Sakic right now. We evaluate our curve offering every year and I've noted your comment.

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Tell your curve guys to give us a REAL toe curve!!! I'll even give you guys my broken Kovalchuk pro to base it off of.

There are three main differences between the 6k and 5k. The 6k has a different grip (new Shark Skin VS Snake Grip), it's about 40 grams lighter and has a stiffer blade than the 5k.

When you compare it to the 5K, is that this years 5K or last years 5K?? I was wondering exactly where the new 6K slotted in as well.

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