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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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DC/Metro Skate

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If only this wasn't on the other side of the country. If only.

The best chance out that way is Vancouver, we have a bunch of members up that way. There was a discussion about a gathering there, but it fell apart.

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If only this wasn't on the other side of the country. If only.

The best chance out that way is Vancouver, we have a bunch of members up that way. There was a discussion about a gathering there, but it fell apart.

Yeup, I was going to take part in that one too. Though, nor you or JR we're going to be there, which would've been cool to skate with you guys.

I have family in New York, just no $$$ for a ticket out there. <_<

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If only this wasn't on the other side of the country. If only.

The best chance out that way is Vancouver, we have a bunch of members up that way. There was a discussion about a gathering there, but it fell apart.

parlais vous Olympics?

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edit - 10 or 12 per side is usually good.

Sounds good to me.

Oh you're living in Fredneck, close enough to BWI for our MSH hotel extravaganza.

Damn, won't be able to party at the hotel. At least I don't have to worry about getting puked on.

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Oh you're living in Fredneck, close enough to BWI for our MSH hotel extravaganza.

yup close to two cities to do stuff yet far enough to hear crickets..

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Oh you're living in Fredneck, close enough to BWI for our MSH hotel extravaganza.

yup close to two cities to do stuff yet far enough to hear crickets..

Tell me about it, my hotel for work is about three miles from the airport and twenty miles from anything else.

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Smoke - how's the alcohol policy? Don't ask don't tell?

We've managed to get beers in occasionally. Don't let them see it, if you are pulling a cooler then forget about it.

Generally they are pretty strict, because it's a county property.

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Smoke - how's the alcohol policy? Don't ask don't tell?

We've managed to get beers in occasionally. Don't let them see it, if you are pulling a cooler then forget about it.

Generally they are pretty strict, because it's a county property.

So I need to wrap the bottles so they don't clink?

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Ok - starting to freak out here a bit...we only have 14 *confirmed* skaters at this point and 5 who haven't paid.

It's really not fair for those traveling from long distances to come up all this way for this skate to be a wash. So - if you guys know of anyone who is interested in joining us, please let me know.

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Ok - starting to freak out here a bit...we only have 14 *confirmed* skaters at this point and 5 who haven't paid.

It's really not fair for those traveling from long distances to come up all this way for this skate to be a wash. So - if you guys know of anyone who is interested in joining us, please let me know.

I got one guy from Fredneck that's willing to make the journey. Need payment now?

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