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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Favorite Post Game Party Songs

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I'll start it off with one that must be played at some point in the night... normally near then end for obvious reasons

Eddie Money - Take Me Home Tonight

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I have a go-to playlist for the end of parties when everyone's too tired and happy to dance and would rather just try to sing classics/horrible songs that everyone (my age) knows the words to. It's never failed me:



Believe me, I know there are some highly questionable songs. Can't argue with results :P

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  mgoblue said:
I have a go-to playlist for the end of parties when everyone's too tired and happy to dance and would rather just try to sing classics/horrible songs that everyone (my age) knows the words to. It's never failed me:



Believe me, I know there are some highly questionable songs. Can't argue with results :P

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Some great jams on there... perfect way to wind down a gong show

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Summer hockey with a post game cookout and throw on Live in Anguilla, both discs, and everything is right in the world.

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I love when "Remix to Ignition" by R. Kelly comes on and EVERYONE curiously knows every word.

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  DCott said:
I love when "Remix to Ignition" by R. Kelly comes on and EVERYONE curiously knows every word.
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HAHA and the funniest part is when everyones like "ah geez this song??" then they know all the words once people start getting into it.

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