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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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NHL '12

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they need to shorten the game length, or the season.

or the stoppages...they make the game that much longer.

i'm seriously rattled with this game right now, i cant win because i dont have the cross-crease pass perfected. i can outshoot the opponent online 35-10 and he gets 5 goals, i get 1 or 2.

are you playing online or what?

i havn't been playing online at all. didn't like it much the one time i tried. but you're right about the stoppages.

I ended up finishing my season in the AHL, simming most of the playoffs to win the calder cup.. won the art ross and maurice richardson.. then got traded to Washington. lol go st louis.

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anyone try 2k10?...it looks like garbage

2K10 is actually quite good, the physics blow EA out of the water along with customization and presentation. For $50, you really can't beat it.

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anyone want to play online, I am always down.... ps3, ddbowdoin

I like the game but the 360 passing is TOUGH, I miss a lot of chances because I am only a few degrees off on the pass.

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won the art ross and maurice richardson.. then got traded to Washington. lol go st louis.

dear lord, why???

Damn, that should be a one month suspension for failure to understand the history of the game.

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56 points in the AHL on the second line in Be A Pro, not pulled up or in the NHL playing on Pro. This game is unbelievably ridiculous.

Guys will put up over 100 points in the ahl in real life and not get called up that year

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Thing is though I'm in a similar boat, I've only just been brought up to 2nd line AHL and I'm leading the league with 2x the points as the next guy. Maybe I should change the settings or maybe it shouldn't be a predetermined amount of games to play before they move lines about.

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Thing is though I'm in a similar boat, I've only just been brought up to 2nd line AHL and I'm leading the league with 2x the points as the next guy. Maybe I should change the settings or maybe it shouldn't be a predetermined amount of games to play before they move lines about.

In one of the messages from the GM it says the evaluate every 12-15 games or something like that.

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The thing that always irked me was the lack of a chemistry component. You may be the best scorer, but if it's because you and the 2nd line are well suited then you shouldn't automatically get on the first line.

I hate how if the team gets in a scoring slump and goes on a losing streak I am the only player being shifted. There is no possibility to change roles and maybe try to beef up faceoffs and try center for a while. If my second line center can't win more than 20% of his faceoffs why the hell is he a center?

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won the art ross and maurice richardson.. then got traded to Washington. lol go st louis.

dear lord, why???

Damn, that should be a one month suspension for failure to understand the history of the game.

hey hey... i was half awake at best when i posted that.

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won the art ross and maurice richardson.. then got traded to Washington. lol go st louis.

dear lord, why???

Damn, that should be a one month suspension for failure to understand the history of the game.

the maurice richardson is awarded to the player who best exemplifies what it would be like if maurice richard's son was a current day nhl player.

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won the art ross and maurice richardson.. then got traded to Washington. lol go st louis.

dear lord, why???

Damn, that should be a one month suspension for failure to understand the history of the game.

the maurice richardson is awarded to the player who best exemplifies what it would be like if maurice richard's son was a current day nhl player.

Not too be confused with the Sam Adams trophy for the coach who leads his team to the highest tab.

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RIP to a great season I had going, right around the trade deadline. I sim to my next game and the sumbitch freezes up. Later on I tried saving it as a new file and it froze again, coming back as a corrupt file. Oh how I loathe non-Tiburon EA sports games.

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So far so good. I like that the new passing is harder. It's sometimes frustrating but adds to the game IMO. I like how I'm able to cycle the puck in the offensive zone. Works much better than 09 IMO. Goalies are a bit better although they do let in some stupidly weak shots in... but all NHL goalies do at times.. Lundqvist did just last week!! Hitting is fun and seems a bit different at times than last year. I like that I'm getting more PP than with 09 and am sometimes able to get the opposing team to get a penalty after the whistle. Fighting is, well not that great but I rarely drop the gloves anyway so it has no real impact.

I haven't played online yet and as I'm up for my xbox live renewal, I may not even renew my gold membership so online play has no effect on my evaluation of the game. I haven't tried the Be a Pro mode either this year, at least not yet.

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my biggest problem is now the fact that sometimes online versus, no matter what team the other guy plays as, they are insane. Every player on that team is faster, stronger, and just dominating every player on my team. Its like once every 10 or so games now, but makes it so much less fun.

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my biggest problem is now the fact that sometimes online versus, no matter what team the other guy plays as, they are insane. Every player on that team is faster, stronger, and just dominating every player on my team. Its like once every 10 or so games now, but makes it so much less fun.

i noticed that too

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I can't believe they still havent fixed the bug where as a Dman in BAP when you come out of the box after a penalty and hit your "change line" key you sometimes just skate to the bench but just stand there and you dont change and you loose control of your player too. This has been an issue since 09 and is no different in this years game. It is amazingly annoying. Only a stoppage in play will fix this. Anyone else have this happen?

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WTH, was playing a game in be a gm mode and midway through the 3rd the damn thing froze on me!!!

this has never happend to me before, not even on 09!

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Are you on PS3? Apparently it has some issues and I'm hoping a patch comes out quick. I wish EA Canada didn't suck to the point of necessitating a patch, but them's the breaks.

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