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Naps before games....good or bad?

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I play on Monday nights in a roller league, and usually during my lunch break at work I try to take a 30 minute nap or so. However, I have noticed that on the days I don't get to take a nap, I seem to have more jump. Does anyone else experience this? I know that pros take game-day naps so I thought I would try it too but I think it hurts me more than helps me.

Also, I don't drink caffeine whatsoever if that makes a difference....

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3 things that I love but won't do immediately before hockey:

Jimmy Johns

Sexual activity


I'm never in a good way when I wake up from naps. I'm in a haze until like my 3rd shift.

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A nap is a must before a game, if anything it is just a for mental rest. Usually I get up and take a quick rinse shower before heading off to the rink. Just a habit from the playing days. I even take the pre-game nap before coaching in a game, I just feel more mentally refreshed.

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i think naps are great. an hour to hour and a half nap followed by a cool shower make me feel brand new. maybe 30 minutes during lunch break just isnt enough..?

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I'll take a nap whenever I can before a game. Even if I can't actually fall asleep, just calming down with my eyes closed helps. Lately I've been going to hockey straight from work, but with a couple hours to kill. Home is 45 minutes in the opposite direction of the rink so there's no point driving there and back. Usually I'll chill in the stands and watch the squirts practice or something. It helps to let the mind rest.

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I play on Monday nights in a roller league, and usually during my lunch break at work I try to take a 30 minute nap or so. However, I have noticed that on the days I don't get to take a nap, I seem to have more jump. Does anyone else experience this? I know that pros take game-day naps so I thought I would try it too but I think it hurts me more than helps me.

Also, I don't drink caffeine whatsoever if that makes a difference....

I am the same as you. I've tried the pregame naps and everytime and I just feel hazy by the time I get to the rink. My best advice is to get a good night's sleep the day before gameday

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whenever i play games monday night at 10:15 I have to take a nap otherwise I feel like a slug. No more than 15-20 minutes though otherwise the nap does more harm than good.

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It's tough for me to nap because when I fall asleep it's usually down for the count.. 2-3 hours minimum.. which is too much for me pre-game no matter how much time there is between nap and game time. If I try for the quickie 20-30 min. jobber, I wake up with a headache. So instead if I'm tired for the late game, I'll throw down an energy drink or maybe suck down a cliff shot.

Sex before hockey kills me, too. Makes me want to nap.

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I usually try to take them at least two hours before and limit them to 45 minutes in length, but a good nap can work wonders especially if I'm tired from a long day, late night before, etc.

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I find that a nap always helps me, and I have napped before games since I was a teenager. For me, the key is to set an alarm clock to limit the nap, and I MUST take a shower, to make sure that I completely wake up.

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I can't nap at ALL during the day. It makes me feel hungover when I awake from them. I have tried everything. No blankets, drinking lots of water before etc. But I always feel like crap, worse then when I was feeling tired before the nap. Sex before saps me of energy. I feel lethargic and ready for bed if I bunny hop before hockey.

So a good night's sleep, no sex/naps and a light run and strech before a game is the perfect way to get prepared for hockey.

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I think taking naps before games are great, i find they give me a extra bit of energy and make me feel better before i play.

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