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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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am i getting ripped off on shipping?

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what have been your experiences with shipping a shaft? i'm getting quoted 33 bucks for two shafts from the us to canada via usps, not sure if i'm getting ripped off or not.

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U.S. to Canada? Probably not I think you would have a hard time finding anywhere else to go lower. But I would wait for maybe a few more answers as I don't know how much trading between Canada and the US ups the price.

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Thing is USPS will always be a bit higher then UPS or Fedex but there is less chance they will charge you for taxes. Especially with something like shafts where you are probably spending between $150-$250, UPS or Fedex will nail you for it.

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Two shafts at that price, you could ship more than that to Australia.

Really? I'm sure as hell you couldn't ship 2 shafts to NZ for $30 USD and it's not like its much further than Aus...

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Two shafts at that price, you could ship more than that to Australia.

Really? I'm sure as hell you couldn't ship 2 shafts to NZ for $30 USD and it's not like its much further than Aus...

Actually, you can get them shipped for that price... gotten it done before without much problems.

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can't say for 2, but I just shipped a shaft to canada and it ran $8. But mine was pretty basic surface mail. Depending on the conditions, it could be more (priority, insured...)

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USPS is the cheapest way to ship items from USA to Canada. I ship about 50 sticks a week and 2 sticks to canada costs me $22.00, so 2 shafts would be the same if not a $1 or so less!!!! SO like others have said, your getting shafted, unless there including insurance but even that is only a couple bucks

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Is this through a store or from somebody personally? Most stores and Ebay sellers will up-charge their shipping so $33 is about right. If its personally, it might be a little high but remember the person may have to go quite far out of the way to get to the store, could be adding insurance, maybe they used a bigger than needed box?

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Like i said $33 is high even with a up charge.. My cost to ship a stick is $22, we mostly charge customers $27 to ship since we use a custom box that costs us about $3 and the other $2 usually covers a part of the listing fees. So i guess you could say he's making a $5 profit and putting it in his pocket

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Sometimes when I ship to Canada, it's $8-10...sometimes it's closer to $20. It depends on who does the measuring and if they list it as oversized or not.

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...Or he's covering his ass from a loss on shipping. It has cost me $8 to ship a OPS to Canada... yet it has cost me $15 to ship a shaft to the midwest. USPS is weird like that, it depends on who rings you up... that's why I started printing my postage at home, even though sometimes they limit options online.

I charge a flat rate on my eBay listings to cover me on shipping. Some will cost more, most will cost less. Explain to me why it cost $10 to ship a pair of elbow pads parcel post to California when I shipped a OPS to Canada for $8, priority. Add in eBay fees and paypal fees and it all evens out.

UPS and Fedex are ALWAYS more expensive to ship and UPS takes a LOT longer to get there. I've shipped blades on Monday from Tampa and they arrive in Texas on Wednesday. That would be 5-7 days with UPS for 50% more.

The shipping cost is part of the deal, if you don't like it... don't buy it.

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I've gotten shafts shipped from the US for far less than what the OP stated. I had 3 shafts shipped from US to Canada for ~U$11, but that was some time ago. I don't know if shipping has gone up significantly since then.

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How are you shipping a stick from the US to Canada for $8???? You gotta be using USPS parcel post because we ship all our items via USPS Priority international and its costs $21.80 no matter what. We print all our labels online as well and the size of the box is never asked for international shipping, only within the US for priority mail is the size of the box asked.

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Like i said $33 is high even with a up charge.. My cost to ship a stick is $22, we mostly charge customers $27 to ship since we use a custom box that costs us about $3 and the other $2 usually covers a part of the listing fees. So i guess you could say he's making a $5 profit and putting it in his pocket

well seller changed it to 9 bucks which i think is now too cheap :blink:

The shipping cost is part of the deal, if you don't like it... don't buy it.

true but thats why i asked for an estimate first and was quoted around 150-20 which is high but not too off.

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does anyone have experience shipping sticks internationally from Canada? is Canada Post the best option?

Are you looking to ship a shaft to Australia? LOL

There is NO real option unless the buyer wants to pay an arm & leg. I check with Canada Post, Purolator, FedEx & UPS about shipping a shaft (~54")...Canada Post will not take it cuz it's too long, and the other couriers all charge from $90 to over $100. :o If you find a cheap alternative, please let us know.

Good luck.

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what have been your experiences with shipping a shaft? i'm getting quoted 33 bucks for two shafts from the us to canada via usps, not sure if i'm getting ripped off or not.

One stick for me from Canada down to the US costs about $26 via Canada Post and like $36 if I do Xpress. I shipped a visor to another member here who lives in Australia and it cost about $15 and it took nearly 2-3 months.

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I found that the only reasonable option to ship sticks internationally (to Europe in my case) is to go the ebay route. Most ebay shops wont even ship to Europe, but there are a few and they have excellent prices. Shipping is usually around 35-40$, I just ordered two sticks and a shaft the other day and paied 41$ in shipping total. Thats not too bad considering when the dollar - euro conversion comes in. Even with tax the sticks run a good bit lower than in local shops (if they even carry them).

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