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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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2009-2010 Gear Sightings

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I give total hockey 72 hours before they start selling flame stickers for your Tuuks.

and another couple hours for the kids/ovi wannabe's to show up with them

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Nothing wrong with them but everybody else is showing up with custom high-end sticks and gloves and the Chinese women were clearly using '08 model retail gear (5k gloves too). Just a whole different level of sponsorship and national focus.

Hah, they're lucky to even receive this equipment :P I'd love to try a Sickick sometime...

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I give total hockey 72 hours before they start selling flame stickers for your Tuuks.

Supposedly the guy that came up with the idea for "pimp my skates" at total hockey is the one who made them for him. One of my friends goes to college with him I think.

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i believe its because his name means sheep or little lamb in russian. So i'd assume it has something to do w/ that.

My name means "heathen" in German. I wonder wtf I'd put on my Tuuks? Some guy in a winged helmet?

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I'm liking his sense of humor more and more.

I agree.

It's funny, during the Canada game the commentators were saying how it used to be the Canadian team being all passion, drive, and intensity back when the Russian's were the Soviet Union, and the Soviets were more robotic and no character.

Now it is almost a complete role reversal. Certainly with the Russians, I'm not sure if they will win gold or not but they sure are going to be fun to watch.

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Hah, they're lucky to even receive this equipment :P I'd love to try a Sickick sometime...

The older red ones (Pro Lite) seem to have a nicer kick than the newer ones, which are still a pretty decent stick IMO. For clearance prices anyway.

FWIW, Mikko Koivu used those red Sickicks for years then moved to SE16's.

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The older red ones (Pro Lite) seem to have a nicer kick than the newer ones, which are still a pretty decent stick IMO. For clearance prices anyway.

FWIW, Mikko Koivu used those red Sickicks for years then moved to SE16's.

HOPEFULLY, Sportchek or whereever still has Sickicks on clearence for $70 CDN in 75 flex and Crosby curve...not likely :(

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The older red ones (Pro Lite) seem to have a nicer kick than the newer ones, which are still a pretty decent stick IMO. For clearance prices anyway.

FWIW, Mikko Koivu used those red Sickicks for years then moved to SE16's.

I've still got mine buried away somewhere. I do remember that it had a nice kick. I should throw a P14 woodie on it.

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FWIW, Mikko Koivu used those red Sickicks for years then moved to SE16's.

You forgot him using the Vector 10 in between there. ;)

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I found it (flipped shaft with a nasty wood blade) for $25 at a used gear shop and gave him $15 cash for it. Cut it a few inches then JAMMED a Vapor XXXX comp blade in there (will never come out). Even with a 3" wood plug the thing just has ridiculous kick. And for whatever reason, I used it for two games and was sniping every shot, then never used it again. Decided to dig it out and it rocks.

I wonder if that's how the SE16 kicks though, and it makes me want to try one. Never used a full Easton OPS before.

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I have a broken S16 in a 100 flex that I just cannot use. I previously had a 100 flex OPS SE16 that I could wrist just fine, but not so with the 2 piece.

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Emilia Andersson of Sweden women's team with a weird visor/cage combo. The visor looks like a three-point crown, connected at the top and then curving down towards the sides.

Also, a lot of rbk-branded Jofa helmets on the Swedish team.

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They went 1999 old-school graphic on the Nash glove. Some of you might remember those gloves.

care to jog my memory? have any pictures of the 99 gloves?

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Emilia Andersson of Sweden women's team with a weird visor/cage combo. The visor looks like a three-point crown, connected at the top and then curving down towards the sides.

Picture? She was wearing a FM480 against Canada...

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In order to chirp him for that you better be on your A-game!! I wonder what Crosby will do next... up the Crosby vs Ovie battle.

"Alex, your girlfriend know you got her picture on your skates?"

Not even my A-game.

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