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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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2009-2010 Gear Sightings

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Stamkos has a thing for the color red.

Or he's Canadian and that explains it. Ya know.

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Was at the rink late hanging out with some of the employees on the ice and the Lightning left a graphic-less LH stick that the LH shot in the group was screwing around with. It was definitely a Trilage, wonder if we'll see someone down here using a new stick tonight.

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Hasn't he gotten stuff stolen at airports and such without the backdrop of an olympic winning goal?

I'm shocked that his gloves and stick have gone missing. Shocked. Shocked I say!

I think it was after the WJC

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Everyone is so quick to judge and call the person that ended up with his gear a 'thief' and a crook.

Maybe the guy who happened to come across his gloves and stick just was minding his own business and found them?

Did you ever think of that??

Perhaps the guy isn't a thief and didn't know whose gloves and stick it was that I found at the Olympic gold medal game with "Crosby" stamped on them and I ran out to my car and put them in the trunk expecting the rightful owner to show up but he never did?

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Does that piss anyone else off though? I mean its pretty bad when you can't even celebrate without having to think 'i better not throw or drop this or it'll go missing.' I'm sure he'd love to have that stick as a keepsake. Or a WJC Gold medal jersey. Damn.. I knew about the WJ thing but to see that now Olympic stuff is missing.. I hope it turns up for him.

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In the past Hockey Canada has auctioned a lot of the gear off. I believe it belongs to them, not the players.

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The HOF should also request Iggy's stick. If it wasn't for him....

They also requested Rafalski's jersey but it was burned when he chased Crosby and got beat back to the front of the net.

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If they're going to use the ashes of Rafalski's jersey, they should also ask for the ref's left skate-blade and the knob of Miller's stick.

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