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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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2009-2010 Gear Sightings

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Just noticed Wideman's skates had a tendon guard with the same silver shine as the X:60's even though they were rkb 11k's. Looked closer and it seems the silver reebok logo lights up in the same was as the Bauer's do on the tendon guard. Certainly just a coincidence, right? ;)

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Just got my March issue of USA Hockey Magazine. I got a chuckle out of it because right on the cover is a little kid wearing a Mission helmet (I think it's an M95) with half of the Mission logo covered by a piece of masking tape. Sure, it might have just been a parent who taped it to help identify it, but it's still fun to think that the photographer had it covered up like they would in the pros.

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Tyler Kennedy in some Easton gloves that I've never seen in a Pens colorway before. Anyone have any ideas what they are?

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It's true. I was watching a game a while back and one of the play by play guys mentioned that he talked to Iginla about his curve. Iggy said that he added a big toe to remind him to shoot more.

Thanks for the confirmation. I thought i was seeing things.

Plus he had like two slappers that were very ovi-like

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Brad Richards wearing an S19 tonight? Looks a little low over his eyes...

EDIT: Maybe not? Might have just been the angle....

Nope. Richards and Neal are still in the older models. Loui is in the S19.

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Forsberg has been wearing X:60s throughout the whole season, but last night he was sporting a pair of all-black skates that I can't seem to identify.


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Forsberg has been wearing X:60s throughout the whole season, but last night he was sporting a pair of all-black skates that I can't seem to identify.


I was trying to figure out the same thing last night, I'm not sure what it could be, all the logos seem to have been blacked out, maybe some kind of prototype skate? Also I think he was still wearing XXXX's until yesterday's game, or that's what it seems like at 0:58 (near the end as the clock time counts down) of this video: Modo photo gallery

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Forsberg has been wearing X:60s throughout the whole season, but last night he was sporting a pair of all-black skates that I can't seem to identify.


The question is, how hold are those Tacks number 11 is wearing :D

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Are my eyes playing tricks on me or does it look like Forsberg only threads one end of his laces through his entire skate? If you look at his laces, rather than seeing an X of the two ends of the laces crossing over each other, it just looks like one consistent line as if he is only feeding one end of his laces through the entire boot.

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Could be because of his foot. His skates are so custom that they might not need to be really pulled down tight.

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Are my eyes playing tricks on me or does it look like Forsberg only threads one end of his laces through his entire skate? If you look at his laces, rather than seeing an X of the two ends of the laces crossing over each other, it just looks like one consistent line as if he is only feeding one end of his laces through the entire boot.

It's the angle, if you go on the Modo website and look at the photos from yesterdays game the other pictures show a traditional lacing... 1:44 of this picture gallery-video

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