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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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2009-2010 Gear Sightings

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Yeah its the One95 Wood-Hybrid stick, Europe only I think


Nice detective work, I have been all over gettyimages to find a good pic of the stick and couldn't make out what it was.

On another note I posted a similar picture on PHEW some may have seen it, petteri nikolainen in the background wearing rebranded koho 4440 gloves


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What kind of skates does Zack Smith on the Senators wear? On the ottawa home page under today's game photos he looks to be wearing some kind of new CCM Vectors or something. Couldn't get picture to copy here.

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Radim Vrbata has been using the Combat stick for the past month and a half. He was previously an Easton user.

He's also used Warrior and Mission previously.

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Those are U+? I met him last year while he was training and he had the U+ with white tongues, and earlier this year he was flopping but these he has tucked under his shins. I didn't think CCM had anything new coming out this year?


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Here's a better look:


They look very Flexlite-ish to me, but I honestly have no idea what they are. The little stripe leads me in the MLX direction, but the boot is cut too high.

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Wasn't savard just in XXXX's that he blacked out with sharpie?

Actually, after looking through GettyImages it seems the only skates he hasn't worn were eastons - had XXXX's/X:60's last year, went to U+ for the playoffs and start of this season, put on 11k's after he came back from injury to around the outdoor classic, and was in totalones before he was sidelined. Is he just looking for something that fits, or just likes to switch it up?

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Does anyone have any good pictures of the new Graf G35s? I was trying to find pictures of Joe Pavelski to take a good look but haven't found a nice close-up pic to check out the new design. I'm getting some custom Grafs made this summer and the 35 is my boot.

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thoses are the new vector u prototypes, a guy on facebook got a tester pair and they had the vector u symbol on them.

:cool: no comment, other than that isn't a final version of whatever they may be...

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They have to be the New Supreme 100s. I have been hearing about them through the grape vine. And with the "hush hush" mod comment....Somethings brewing in the Bauer factory....

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They have to be the New Supreme 100s. I have been hearing about them through the grape vine. And with the "hush hush" mod comment....Somethings brewing in the Bauer factory....

Except that Vector isn't part of the Bauer skateline.

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Yeah, but they just don't have that CCMish look. I don't really know. I guess only time will tell.

Just because YOU may think they don't look like CCMs doesn't mean that they aren't.

Regardless, that isn't a final graphics package.

Sorry, all I'm allowed to disclose at this point.

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