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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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2009-2010 Gear Sightings

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Biggest gear siting of the year. Completely revolutionary product. Nothing like what the company has done before: it's like apples to oranges -- well, grapes to barley.



Oh, and apparently, the team is going to be censured for using it.

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Dustin Brown, Bauer helmet, Easton ear loops.


Never noticed b4 but it looks like that's what he likes.


On the subject of Dustin Brown, does he have an oddly shaped head or something? Because every time they show him, his helmet is so crooked on his head he looks like an idiot.

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Biggest gear siting of the year. Completely revolutionary product. Nothing like what the company has done before: it's like apples to oranges -- well, grapes to barley.

i guess you could call it "the beer of champagnes".

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On the subject of Dustin Brown, does he have an oddly shaped head or something? Because every time they show him, his helmet is so crooked on his head he looks like an idiot.

Same with Selanne - His face shield always looked like there was an inch of space on the right side. It was completely off centered.

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Okay...on the topic of off centered, oddly shaped heads...Malkin's helmet always looks sideways?

I think his helmet is straight, his face looks sideways.

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Quite possible. I noticed it at Olympics as well...not just Pitt games.

Don't look directly at his face, it may cause temporary loss of sight and/or fits of convulsions.

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Check out Pronger's pretend flopped tongues. Just stitched on. Any idea on the point of this? Just for looks?


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why not just wear the new composite boots that all the shot blockers seem to be wearing?

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why not just wear the new composite boots that all the shot blockers seem to be wearing?

Why change what you like if you can just add a pad? There are negatives to composite boots, though some people here may find that hard to believe.

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he's been wearing those the past couple of years now, its just for extra protection. I've also seen them on Scott Neidermyer too.

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