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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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2009-2010 Gear Sightings

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It is a stick that details different features and characteristics of the stick. It is for sales reps to use in presentations.

Great idea to be honest!

its the first thing i thought when i saw it. it is brilliant.

gives the rep something to show the customer visually, instead of just explaining the technology.

edit: also looks like the sticks on the left are the multiple grip (and maybe flex as well) options, then on the right are the curve options.

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It is a stick that details different features and characteristics of the stick. It is for sales reps to use in presentations.

Great idea to be honest!

Wow, that is a great idea, thanks for the info.

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Gotta say the TotalOne stick looks pretty good, hopefully they'll still play a little whippier than rated like the One95 OPS.

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When I saw it in March at the sales meeting, I was actually jealous that we didn't do that back in the day at TPS. Makes things easier when selling...MUCH easier!

Does Bauer really have to sell their products. Anything that has bauer on it seems to fly off the shelves.

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Does Bauer really have to sell their products. Anything that has bauer on it seems to fly off the shelves.

In equal volumes with Easton pretty much, with Warrior tearing off a big piece. Every little bit helps.

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Tac spiral grip? Pre candycaned from the factory? Very intriguing.

Such a simple concept. Amazing that nobody has gone for it until now.

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When I saw it in March at the sales meeting, I was actually jealous that we didn't do that back in the day at TPS. Makes things easier when selling...MUCH easier!

Any idea if they will offer a longer stick like the one85? If not, does anyone know if you can get a longer stick from myid?

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Seeing the blade on the TotalOne made me realize one thing... I need to stock up on one95s.

ah good catch, it does say Textreme on the yellow one in the middle too

love all the grip options too even though i'm not a big grip person

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Planning on stocking up on one95's as well. Wish I could get some kobasews, stammers, and ovi's one95s, but that won't happen.

cyclone taylor in Vancouver (and their other locations) has many kobasews. they will ship.

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Seeing the blade on the TotalOne made me realize one thing... I need to stock up on one95s.

was thinking the exact same thing. the total one just seems like its gunna dissapoint. just stocked up on one90s so a few one95s should last abit longer.

what dont you seem to like about it TBL?

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He'd probably be referring to the "textreme" blade composition on the X:60 (big carbon square weave). Much worse feel than the one95's blade imo.

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Exactly. The one95 blade is phenomenal. The X:60 blade is very... Easton-like; pingy with barely any feedback.

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