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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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2009-2010 Gear Sightings

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Who are the companies that already did the "old school" look and where can I find them. I think I remember seeing TPS in this look but can't think of any of the others

Sher-Wood and TPS did SMUs for HockeyGiant. TPS offered two models.

Eagle did the H35

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I went back on the thread and the Sherwood site and no info could be found what so ever. It technically should have come out by now and it's not for sale anywhere.

I saw a plain black OPS that said Sherwood at the rink, but had no other markings. Is that the same stick as the T100? I was in a rush and couldn't figure out who's it was but I'm hoping I see it again.

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I went back on the thread and the Sherwood site and no info could be found what so ever. It technically should have come out by now and it's not for sale anywhere.

I spoke to my local Sherwood rep yesterday. He said the new T series sticks are due out next week (in Canada).

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I went back on the thread and the Sherwood site and no info could be found what so ever. It technically should have come out by now and it's not for sale anywhere.

I spoke to my local Sherwood rep yesterday. He said the new T series sticks are due out next week (in Canada).

I'm guessing you don't know about the US. Would Canadian retail sites be allowed to ship to the US?

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Yeah if you click on the full size picture you can see Easton on the boot. Not the Eastons Iginla had one, look like old Z-Airs

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I'm guessing you don't know about the US. Would Canadian retail sites be allowed to ship to the US?

Sorry, no I don't. It would seem strange if Canada got them much before the US though.

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Eagle offered the H34/35 which became the G34/35.

Also, HG did them under the GEAR brand as well.

Who are the companies that already did the "old school" look and where can I find them. I think I remember seeing TPS in this look but can't think of any of the others

Sher-Wood and TPS did SMUs for HockeyGiant. TPS offered two models.

Eagle did the H35

I still have a few pairs of the TPS gloves; maybe I should offer them up here...

you definitely should, at least put some pics of them up

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That's the best pic i've seen so far, have only been able to get small blurry screen caps from games to this point. good spot.

Also a list a the penguins skate set ups, hollows etc:


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I've been trying to find those, and the Red Wings winter classic socks.

I just called the canadiens pro shop, both ones, and the salesguy there said that the striped socks will NOT be released for any sort of pro stock sale. Who knows if that is 100% accurate but I was very disappointed. He also said they werent going to release the vintage gloves either. I was willing to throw my CC down on the phone for the socks but nope, no dice.

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