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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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2009-2010 Gear Sightings

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That's the best pic i've seen so far, have only been able to get small blurry screen caps from games to this point. good spot.

Also a list a the penguins skate set ups, hollows etc:

pretty neat. wtf with gonchar going with 1" roh and the backup goalie with the 3/8" roh???

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I've been trying to find those, and the Red Wings winter classic socks.

I just called the canadiens pro shop, both ones, and the salesguy there said that the striped socks will NOT be released for any sort of pro stock sale. Who knows if that is 100% accurate but I was very disappointed. He also said they werent going to release the vintage gloves either. I was willing to throw my CC down on the phone for the socks but nope, no dice.

im guessing that it has to do with the fact that they only get a team set and some spares. the canadiens could be cheap and reuse the socks from season to season while having the equipment manager stitch up the cuts.

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pretty neat. wtf with gonchar going with 1" roh and the backup goalie with the 3/8" roh???

3/8" really isn't that uncommon for goalies these days. Both John Curry and BJ are using it; most goalies are at or under 1/2". What's really amazing is that Fleury can base so much of his game on the butterfly with a 3/4" hollow.

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Will pros be wearing totalOnes? Jordan Staal seems to be looking a blacked out bauer skate that seems to have that wave through the side of it like the totalone.

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Lars xxxx's have the bauer cuff ripped off and a reebok one stitched on. Same thing with Stastny and Wagners PPF's. I've held them here in Peoria. The EQM did a damn good job they look really good.

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Will pros be wearing totalOnes? Jordan Staal seems to be looking a blacked out bauer skate that seems to have that wave through the side of it like the totalone.

spoke to my buddy who is a pro rep for bauer. he said that nobody has gotten the totalone or one100 yet the players will be getting them before the '10 games.

also asked him if he could get me a pair of the throwback 4rolls and he said that he can't get them either. in fact he had not even seen them until the habs wore them in the game. so with that being said they the throw back gloves will be very hard to get.

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