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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Suggestions on new equipment

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I think I am going to replace some equipment for the next season in my adult league. I went really high end with the protective, and I feel it is just overkill. I have the 9k 16" shins and Jofa 5044 elbows. I am looking for less bulky/smaller/lower profile equipment. I still want a moderate level of protection....especially in the knee cap and elbow (cap?) area. Very open to closeout/last years models. Not looking to spend a ton. Thanks in advance.

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I'd go with the Bauer Supeme 70's or Vapor XXV's in both elbows and shin pads. Nicely priced and decent protection. I'm a bit like you and went high end RBK/Jofa but I am very comfortable with the equipment I chose. Really don't care what anyone thought as long as I got great protection. You'll find the Nike/Bauer equipment has a really nice fit however and the shins fit deeper than the 9K's. Check them out!

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I'd go with the Bauer Supeme 70's or Vapor XXV's in both elbows and shin pads. Nicely priced and decent protection. I'm a bit like you and went high end RBK/Jofa but I am very comfortable with the equipment I chose. Really don't care what anyone thought as long as I got great protection. You'll find the Nike/Bauer equipment has a really nice fit however and the shins fit deeper than the 9K's. Check them out!

I have one90s and I love the comfort of them but it's getting ridiculous, I keep getting deep bruises on my knee. Those damn shins don't protect nearly as well as I would like and it seems to be getting worse.

I'm waiting for my LHS to get the Hustler shin pad in, hopefully those are protective because the rest of the line is really low profile.

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I'm waiting for my LHS to get the Hustler shin pad in, hopefully those are protective because the rest of the line is really low profile.

My LHS has had the Hustler line for a little while now, I checked out the shins and they seemed like they have a really good level of protection. I have the elbows and love them. The line didn't seem all that low profile to me, shoulders actually felt kind of bulky when I had them.

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I just tried on the vector v08 shins, and it looks like the newer vector models have nice knee cap area protection. Might get those.

Thanks for all the info.

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I'm waiting for my LHS to get the Hustler shin pad in, hopefully those are protective because the rest of the line is really low profile.

My LHS has had the Hustler line for a little while now, I checked out the shins and they seemed like they have a really good level of protection. I have the elbows and love them. The line didn't seem all that low profile to me, shoulders actually felt kind of bulky when I had them.

I meant the rest of the Warrior shin lineup, the shoulders look huge. My LHS has the Hitman and Method in stock but no Hustler yet. :(

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I'm waiting for my LHS to get the Hustler shin pad in, hopefully those are protective because the rest of the line is really low profile.

My LHS has had the Hustler line for a little while now, I checked out the shins and they seemed like they have a really good level of protection. I have the elbows and love them. The line didn't seem all that low profile to me, shoulders actually felt kind of bulky when I had them.

I meant the rest of the Warrior shin lineup, the shoulders look huge. My LHS has the Hitman and Method in stock but no Hustler yet. :(

Oh I gotcha. Yeah you'll probably be happy with the Hustlers once your LHS gets them in.

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my only advice for shin pads besides finding the best FIT would be to stay away from the type that have odd curves to them... i have a pair of Stealth 777s from easton and although they offer great protection and an amazing fit, blocking shots is a bitch because you never know which way the puck is going to deflect, whereas with relatively tame ones, it's fairly simple to redirect.


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I've had great luck with the ccm v10 shin pads, my old bauers were terrible and I would get deep knee bruises all the time, and then I switched over to these and I've got to say that they're the best I've ever had. I would highly recommend them in terms of comfort and protection

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On the elbows - I totally agree.

I have a pretty low end Bauer because I got tired of my pads bumping my ribs and losing the puck.

So far I haven't really ever been hurt, had that set-up for 3-4 years?

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I'd go with the Bauer Supeme 70's or Vapor XXV's in both elbows and shin pads. Nicely priced and decent protection. I'm a bit like you and went high end RBK/Jofa but I am very comfortable with the equipment I chose. Really don't care what anyone thought as long as I got great protection. You'll find the Nike/Bauer equipment has a really nice fit however and the shins fit deeper than the 9K's. Check them out!

I have one90s and I love the comfort of them but it's getting ridiculous, I keep getting deep bruises on my knee. Those damn shins don't protect nearly as well as I would like and it seems to be getting worse.

I'm waiting for my LHS to get the Hustler shin pad in, hopefully those are protective because the rest of the line is really low profile.

i got some one75 shins...but i can tell you the one95 fixed that problem plus the durability part of the knee cap area too

loved the hustlers shins but in the end it was just too expensive like $20+ compared to the one95

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Rbk 5k or 6Ks ought to do the job nicely...

The NBH One30s worked well enough for me as well.. Easy to throw on, deep knee caps and yet protective.. I'd worry more about elbow pads than shins in beer leagues

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I liked the way the ccm v10 elbows fit, slide on sleeve with velcro straps over top, very comfortable in store feeling and didn't seem overly bulky.

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I liked the way the ccm v10 elbows fit, slide on sleeve with velcro straps over top, very comfortable in store feeling and didn't seem overly bulky.

you just wanna buy his jofa elbows don't ya? ;)

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I'd go with the Bauer Supeme 70's or Vapor XXV's in both elbows and shin pads. Nicely priced and decent protection. I'm a bit like you and went high end RBK/Jofa but I am very comfortable with the equipment I chose. Really don't care what anyone thought as long as I got great protection. You'll find the Nike/Bauer equipment has a really nice fit however and the shins fit deeper than the 9K's. Check them out!

I have XXV Elbows and Shins and like both a lot. The shins are a little on the tight side though, probably not for people with big calves...

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In my opinion, a good set of elbows is more important than shins in most beer leagues. My Supreme30s (now retired) served me well and I took quite a few shots off them w/o much damage.

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In my opinion, a good set of elbows is more important than shins in most beer leagues. My Supreme30s (now retired) served me well and I took quite a few shots off them w/o much damage.

I would agree! People dont shoot very hard in beer leagues and even very cheap shinnies will do just fine. But my friend who got real cheap elbow pads tends to fall and hurt his elbows a lot. He has st4 shins and elbows. Maybe if your playing defense (like me) invest in a little more protective (and therefore more expensive) equipment. I have vector 6 shins and st16 elbows and play in d league and do just fine.

Just my two cents.

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In my opinion, a good set of elbows is more important than shins in most beer leagues. My Supreme30s (now retired) served me well and I took quite a few shots off them w/o much damage.

I would agree! People dont shoot very hard in beer leagues and even very cheap shinnies will do just fine. But my friend who got real cheap elbow pads tends to fall and hurt his elbows a lot. He has st4 shins and elbows.

I wont disagree that midprice to low end shins do just fine, but so do small elbows pads. Unless your friend is hitting the ice a lot (below average skater) I can't say I've had any worse experience with small crappy elbow pads than really good ones. Even when I'm not wearing shoulder pads of any kind and hit the boards, catch a rut in the ice and drop, etc I don't hurt my arms/elbows, no bruises either.

These are what I'm wearing, so even more minimal than the lowest of the low end available today in retail.


Course everyone has their own anecdote, I just thought I'd toss that out there.

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Unless your friend is hitting the ice a lot (below average skater) I can't say I've had any worse experience with small crappy elbow pads than really good ones.

Yup you nailed it! He hits the ice twice as much as anyone on our team. He is pretty small and has only been skating for a few months!

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I haven't met too many people who've landed on their elbows, normally it is their knees or butt. Just make sure your elbows fit. You don't want them to start moving when you start sweating.

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