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Be careful what you post on facebook

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I know for a fact to do with hockey many scouts actually check prospects facebooks and stuff. One scout called my buddy and asked him if he was a partyer and he replied no... Little did he know the scout had looked at his facebook... that answer backfired pretty quick

You bring up a good point. The same goes with job interviews. I was interviewing people last year and had heard that some managers in my office were looking up potential candidates on Myspace and Facebook to see if they could get a better idea of what they were like outside of a work environment. I tired this with the person who I was leaning towards hiring. I was shocked to see pictures on this person's profile of them smoking weed, drinking, and being shamed at a house party where they were covered in a substance I couldn't identify and had stuff drawn on them. Funniest part was that I decided to look past all that because the candidate was perfect for the job. I called the person back for a second interview and they showed up for the interview an hour late and beyond hungover! Needless to say, that person did not get the job. Always keep in mind that people who you may not expect are looking at these things.

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I hate these people who put every part of there personal life on facebook. I hate it more when your at a party and a girl runs up and tries to get a picture of you and her or you and everyone for facebook. Its a social networking site, not a place to impress your friends by taking pictures of yourself drinking. I have one guy on there who keeps me entertained, talking about all the drugs he does, how hes f-ed up his life and how he was willing to cut off his own finger if his girlfriend didnt take him back .. i didnt believe any of it .. until he posted pictures after surgery.

i was suprised to see how many pictures there were of me on facebook, without even holding an account.

oh ye me too, i didn't even know my friends take so many damn pictures of me

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I had booked a Wed & Fri off one week (don't ask me why I didn't book the Thursday as well)...but I got really drunk after baseball on the Tuesday night...and at 3am, just before I passed out changed my FB status:

"Matt is so glad he doesn't have to work Thursday"

I wake up Wed morning...and my buddy (who is the guy that covers for me when I'm off) goes:

"What the hell...when was someone going to tell me!"

So I write back...:

"Sorry dude, drunking facbooking is never a good idea...that should have read 'until Thursday'.

Then I recall that my Father and some aunts and uncles are also on FB...so I deleted the thread.

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Then I recall that my Father and some aunts and uncles are also on FB...so I deleted the thread.

hahaha thats my problem as well.. my cousin originally got me into the jokeshow so we can keep in touch when Im not in STL. Im friends with aunts, uncles, you name it. Some of them are pretty young so I gotta keep it real clean.

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My accounting teacher handed out some news article saying how companies will check you facespaces and your mybooks to see if you are a good potential candidate for their company. He asked what we thought of this... and I told him that my profile is private and he can not get any info about me from facebook (i dont have a myspace). He then threatened to look for himself because he didn't believe me! I said go ahead. A week later he addressed the entire class and started listing things off about me, unfortunately for him none of it was true... He said i had 415 friends, which is way more friends then i have on facebook. He says he saw pictures of me in central america and Portugal, two places i have never been! He also said i had a friend with a blue shirt who had very dirty potty mouth, who knows what that means. He then proceeded to say he would not hire me just judging from my faceypages. I couldn't stop laughing, it was great! Nor do i know what he saw that made me a bad job prospect, must of been my mysterious unknown blue shirted friend... Good thing i got a good great in the class!

Just goes to show you what a grouchy old teacher (or employer) will make up if they dont like you very much or get a bad vibe.

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This is taking the same concept to the next level.

I know for a fact to do with hockey many scouts actually check prospects facebooks and stuff. One scout called my buddy and asked him if he was a partyer and he replied no... Little did he know the scout had looked at his facebook... that answer backfired pretty quick

You bring up a good point. The same goes with job interviews. I was interviewing people last year and had heard that some managers in my office were looking up potential candidates on Myspace and Facebook to see if they could get a better idea of what they were like outside of a work environment. I tired this with the person who I was leaning towards hiring. I was shocked to see pictures on this person's profile of them smoking weed, drinking, and being shamed at a house party where they were covered in a substance I couldn't identify and had stuff drawn on them. Funniest part was that I decided to look past all that because the candidate was perfect for the job. I called the person back for a second interview and they showed up for the interview an hour late and beyond hungover! Needless to say, that person did not get the job. Always keep in mind that people who you may not expect are looking at these things.

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no, it's an illegal invasion of privacy. The ridiculous part is that no job applicant in the time the policy was in effect balked at it, everyone gave up the login information to their accounts. If an interviewer asks you if you have a social networking page, the answer is no.

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no, it's an illegal invasion of privacy. The ridiculous part is that no job applicant in the time the policy was in effect balked at it, everyone gave up the login information to their accounts. If an interviewer asks you if you have a social networking page, the answer is no.

That could be used against you as you have then lied in a job interview. My answer would be that I do not bring my home life to work and I do not take my work life home with me. I find that keeps me happier anyway.

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Another reason to keep your profile "Private" to anyone other than approved friends... A person I was working with was caught up in an investigation concerning some bar fight he was involved in. They pressed charges and when he name was released, the local newspaper went onto his myspace and facebook pages and dug up a lot of old stuff that could have looked less than favorable. They used small clips of past posts to portray this guy as a reckless frat boy that "boasted about past fights". Despite the fact that this "frat boy fighter", had never gone to college and his past "fights" were in reference to posts he made almost two years ago that jokingly said "I'll slap you like rick james!" Gotta love small town media that have more focus on the police blotter than World Affairs.

I've heard many say that employers may check out social networking sites of potential new hires. Now although I've never heard of specific examples or known of any company that had this type of HR hiring policy, seems best to play it safe.

A young man at my high school and his little brother passed away in a car accident. His grief stricken father asked the school and us on the school newspaper not to publish any photos or release them to the press. We complied. The networks took photos off his Myspace page to put on the air, despite the fact that he contacted them to ask them if they would also not publish any pictures.

I couldn't believe how shameless a so called "small town, family oriented" station could be, ignoring the direct request of a father in regards to his dead sons.

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The other side of the equation is Facebook is a great way to reconnect with friends, particularly for those of us who are older and lost contact over the years. Consequently, if people are smart about what they post or what pictures they upload, they really shouldn't care whether other people saw their page.

No one's ever gonna catch hell for "Name that Tune" are they?.

That grew out of the realization that nobody loved me. Apparently I wasn't being glib enough in cyber land.....

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I have some relatives on (including an aunt who is ultra-conservative and very close with my mother) so I do have to be careful about what I post... the worst part is the non-sense your teenage friends post even when you are being careful.

Oh god what my friends post and how my mom reacts.

I made a status that just Said "I am pretty hungry right now"

I come back to 13 identical comments from 13 differents guys saying "Eat some dick"

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I made a status that just Said "I am pretty hungry right now"

I come back to 13 identical comments from 13 differents guys saying "Eat some dick"

i just had to laugh when i read that

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I made a status that just Said "I am pretty hungry right now"

I come back to 13 identical comments from 13 differents guys saying "Eat some dick"

i just had to laugh when i read that

It's amazing what teammates can plan on Xbox Live.

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