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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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warrior sticks

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i currently have a nike bauer one95 and love it. im now getting a warrior and was wondering what i should get. Weight is not a problem. I want a solid stick with a mid-toe curve with lil to no loft/picking the puck up idk what its called. thanks

Unfortunately, the only pattern that matches that description is no longer in production. But if you can find some Warrior Smyth blades, that'd be your winner.

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I'm just lost as to why someone who has already found a stick that they "love" is now switching to sticks from a company they have no experience with...

You like the One95? Then fuck Warrior - stock up on One95s.

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I like the Dolomite. even though it's a fused OPS I think it has better feel than the Mac Daddy. Warrior has replaced the Smyth with the Kovalchuk though if you're deadset on a Smyth HockeyMonkey has several Warrior sticks on clearance with the Smyth curve. if you're a lefthanded shot and don't mind a 100 flex they've got a great deal on the Starskie stick which is just a Dolomite with a cooler paint job.


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I like the Dolomite. even though it's a fused OPS I think it has better feel than the Mac Daddy. Warrior has replaced the Smyth with the Kovalchuk though if you're deadset on a Smyth HockeyMonkey has several Warrior sticks on clearance with the Smyth curve. if you're a lefthanded shot and don't mind a 100 flex they've got a great deal on the Starskie stick which is just a Dolomite with a cooler paint job.


ummm, smyth has been discontinued, kovalchuk replaced the robitaille

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ummm, smyth has been discontinued, kovalchuk replaced the robitaille

really? huh. I didn't remember the Robitaille being that much of a toe hook. I'd been pondering one of those Starskies at HockeyMonkey put was wary of the Smyth curve. was it even deeper than the Robitaille?

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The Robitaille/Kovalchuk retail pattern is not a toe hook.

the chart I looked at the curve seemed more severe:


though in retrospect even this isn't really what I thought it was. I thought Warrior's Kovalchuk pattern was at least a LITTLE closer to his actual curve:


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I like the Dolomite. even though it's a fused OPS I think it has better feel than the Mac Daddy.

I have to agree with this. I've used many Macs, completely wanted to like them better than Dolos, but the Dolo wins every time. The MacDaddy is a great stick with it's own attributes, but the Dolo just seems to be a better all around dagger. Maybe why they discontinued the Mac altogether.

And if the original poster wants to try Warrior, let him. I don't want to get into a brand pissing match, but I'd take a Dolo over a One95 every day, all day, and it's not even close. JMO

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:o definitely Kovalchuk retail pattern doesn't look like that , I've got that one, nothing similar

good thing for you. I was working an adult league game recently and some guy who had bought a pro stock Kovalchuk stick at the Atlanta Thrashers equipment sale last year got busted by the refs for using an illegal curve. :lol:

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Kovalchuk is the closest. It's a little bit bigger, a little more closed, and a little closer towards the toe than the old Robitaille.

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idk if this has already been discussed, but what is the zetterberg equiv. to warrior?

Fedorov. There's a chart around here somewhere which breaks down all the common curves from each company.


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idk if this has already been discussed, but what is the zetterberg equiv. to warrior?

Fedorov. There's a chart around here somewhere which breaks down all the common curves from each company.


Thanks, ill have to look for that chart to keep from asking stupid questions :huh:

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