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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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'09 NFL Thread

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Just know that Ralph Wilson's ass is BURNING right now knowing that he's gotta pay him the rest of his $6 MILLION contract.

To save cost, i betcha ol' Ralphie heads down and throws on the headset.

As was pointed out more than one time on WGR550 today...the $3M/year left to Jauron means that the dreams of a big name coach in Buffalo won't happen. They'll end up paying 2 guys a total of $6-7M instead of giving one guy $6-7 with a chance to win and will be no further ahead for the next 5 years.

And, as far as the existing coaches...everyone but ST Coach Bobby April can take a hike as well.

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Maybe because the Pats were so dominant for that stretch, it took me a long time to realize Bill Belichick plays the prevent defense. Going back to the 2006 AFC Championship, the 2007 SB, and the Broncos and Colts this year, when he needs a defensive stop, he obviously instructs his DB’s to play off the line to avoid the big play. Instead, it’s a relatively quick, slow bleed of 12-yard pickups, before culminating in an 8-yard touchdown.

I’m not saying they should have blitzed Manning, because he’s excellent against the blitz, but it seems pretty simple that they should continue to do what worked for 55 minutes. If they get burned by a HOF QB, kudos to him, but make him earn it.

Yeah, i never realized that until you pointed it out. I know the Steelers always fall back to the prevent d and it pisses me off because we always end up letting the other team back into it instead of playing our game for the full 60 minutes. My case in point, last year in the Super Bowl when we gave up that long TD to Fitzgerald.

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The Bills have FINALLY fired Dick Jauron. But, I suspect they've got 5 or more years of being shitty though while they make up for all his personel mistakes over the years.

What had me really confused is I caught it quickly on ESPN news and I read it as Perry Ferrell as the interim coach. I might actually pay to see the plays he would dream up.

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The Bills have FINALLY fired Dick Jauron. But, I suspect they've got 5 or more years of being shitty though while they make up for all his personel mistakes over the years.

What had me really confused is I caught it quickly on ESPN news and I read it as Perry Ferrell as the interim coach. I might actually pay to see the plays he would dream up.

Ha...actually it's Perry Fewell the DC. But NFL.com had it written wrong and have Fewell Perry when the story first broke.

I figure under Perry Ferrel, the turnover ratio would be better..."Been Caught Stealing"

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I'm stating for the record right now that the New Orleans Saints will win the Super Bowl.

Their offence is ridiculously good...but, how does that saying go? Oh yeah...defence wins Championships!

Uhm...I might take that back. The 'D' looks pretty good too.

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They were outstanding last night. Totally outplayed the Pats.

It will be interesting to see them play the Vikings, since both teams are accustomed to the noise of domes.

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Chris Henry was thrown from the back of a moving pickup truck driven by his finacee during a domestic dispute. ESPN is reporting he has life-threatening head injuries. Too bad after the way he has turned his life around; first the broken arm and now this.

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Chris Henry was thrown from the back of a moving pickup truck driven by his finacee during a domestic dispute. ESPN is reporting he has life-threatening head injuries. Too bad after the way he has turned his life around; first the broken arm and now this.

I heard the news update this morning...."Bengals WR Chris Henry is fighting for his life in hospital after..." I fully expected it to be a drug overdose. "...Thrown from a pickup" caught me off guard.

News person just came in and told me he has died. Another young, talented life wasted away.

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Not a Pats fan, but I hope Welker's okay. He's one of my faves in the league...still reppin' for the middle-size white guy like Swayzey!

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The Globe is saying he has a torn ACL and MCL. That's a big blow to the Pats, since they were beginning to look very balanced the past few weeks (although still no pass rush). I think Edelman can give about 70% of what Welker could, but I would prefer he give 70% of Welker as the third receiver, rather than the second.

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The Globe is saying he has a torn ACL and MCL. That's a big blow to the Pats, since they were beginning to look very balanced the past few weeks (although still no pass rush). I think Edelman can give about 70% of what Welker could, but I would prefer he give 70% of Welker as the third receiver, rather than the second.

Unfortunately the 30% all seems to be off the hands. Similar player but he just doesn't seem to hang on to the ball nearly as well.

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With the exception of Cedric Benson that was as close to a complete team choke job as I've seen. Congratulations Bengals, you've made all your fans very proud.

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I predicted they were going to lose, because the week before they had played so lethargically in the last game that they allowed the Jets to gain confidence. Even while resting players, if they had played with enough intensity to keep the score close, the Jets might have had some doubts, but they let the Jets blow them out.

I know the Pats lost Welker, which is the downside of playing starters (although I think his injury was due to the loose field conditions at Reliant Stadium), but if the Packers beat the Cards again today, I think it will be safe to say it doesn't work to play without intensity against a team you might meet a week or two later in the playoffs.

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Wow, that may have been the worst quarter in the history of the Tom Brady era with the Patriots. Just awful, awful play right now. I'm not a major pats fan but I am a big fan of Tom Brady from when he was at Michigan, and I don't really care who wins because there are guys on both teams I like, but I was actually hoping to see a good game here, this is pathetic.

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I predicted they were going to lose, because the week before they had played so lethargically in the last game that they allowed the Jets to gain confidence. Even while resting players, if they had played with enough intensity to keep the score close, the Jets might have had some doubts, but they let the Jets blow them out.

I know the Pats lost Welker, which is the downside of playing starters (although I think his injury was due to the loose field conditions at Reliant Stadium), but if the Packers beat the Cards again today, I think it will be safe to say it doesn't work to play without intensity against a team you might meet a week or two later in the playoffs.

Exactly, the Jets owned them mentally. The Bengals were a classic example of a bad team that had a good start and stumbled ass-backward into the playoffs. And Shayne Graham SUCKS.

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Maybe, but I understand it.

Once while reffing, a guy screamed at me for not calling something that occurred four feet in front of me. When I had the opportunity, I apologized to him that I was so focused on determining whether the flipping puck was crossing the blue line, that I didn't see anything else. It's kind of like running after a short fly ball that's dropping into the outfield; when you think back on the play, it's like all sights and sounds were removed and the ball had been moving in slow motion.

I recognize it affected the outcome of the game, but it helps explain how a referee can miss something that's happening ten feet in front of him.

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I'm a proud Canadian...I'm excited that the Games are in Vancouver...and I hope our team(s) do well...but for the love of God...I'm tired of these CTV/Olympics promos.

Damn CRTC...why can't we just see all the good commercials like the rest of the Continent.

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They're not airing the good ones in America, either. Every other one is a Budweiser one and they're bad. Real bad.

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They're not airing the good ones in America, either. Every other one is a Budweiser one and they're bad. Real bad.

There is a tradition at work on "Super Bowl Monday" - we watch them all online.

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Supposed to write a bit on these and I don't want to. It does seem tho that the only products they want you to buy are Doritos, Budweiser, GoDaddy and then get some weird-soled fat people shoes to "exercise" as you walk.

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