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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Devils to wear throwbacks for one game.

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Those are better than the old Canuck jerseys.

My wife saw them on Classic Series on NHL network...she walked by...looked at the screen....walked out.....came back in and looked again.

She said...."really? those arent a joke or something?" I just laughed.


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I actually liked the red/green jerseys/ The white sweaters looked too busy around the shoulders, but I never minded the road model.

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Even though I am all for wearing throw back jerseys I don't care for these. Horrible colour combo and to be honest if they are only going to wear them for one game out of the entire season what is really the point of going through the trouble.

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I think that they're much better than the Penguins powder blue jerseys. It's a real shock that Lou is letting this happen just because he's so old fashion and had declined the idea of a third jersey for so long.

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Even though I am all for wearing throw back jerseys I don't care for these. Horrible colour combo and to be honest if they are only going to wear them for one game out of the entire season what is really the point of going through the trouble.

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I hope they don't for the same reason I don't want Colorado wearing Nordiques jerseys. Those teams are gone and I'd feel like vomiting seeing the Avalanche in those jerseys.

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In the interest of full disclosure...I am a life long Devils fan

With that said, I have no issue bringing back to the original sweaters for one night. Granted it doesn't make sense in their 28th anniversary (the 25th and final season at the meadowlands would have made more sense), but given the current state of some of the franchises, a little nod and a tip of the cap (helmet?) to say thanks to all the fans who have supported the team from the beginning is fine by me.

Now if lou would only let #15 hang from the rafters....

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