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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Probably inconsistencies in the flex.  Easton's been guilty of that one many times...

I have seen that with many companies from TPS to CCM (very bad with flex ratings in my opinion) to Bauer

I've actually found TPS to be pretty accurate over the last couple of years.

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I think because the overall shaft is a touch smaller, concave, and the walls are thinner, the Stealth is a touch more flexier than, say, my 100 flex Synergy Grip. But I've flexed them both side by side and their is really not a huge noticble difference. Atleast not like between a 100 flex and an 85 flex.

And I know for a fact the shaft is considerably thinner than a regualr Synergy because I took the butt-end out of my Synergy and put it in my Stealth, and where the butt-end meets the shaft their is a very noticable lip on all four sides, the broad sides most nocticeably. Because I am anal, and like the top of my sticks consistent in size, I busted out the dremmel and sanded the wood down on all four sides so now it is the same dimension as the shaft--smooooooth as silk B)

And just a word of advise to anyone who is or will eventually put a wooden butt-end in their Stealth: The graphite plug insert is much shorter than a wooden butt-end insert, and for whatever reason, Easton has a stopper inside the shaft that the grahphite butt-end sits on. In other words, when you pull out the graphite butt-end there is an internal stopper-like ring inside that shaft that would prevent an insert longer than approx 3 inches. So what I had to do was cut a good inch and 3/4's off the wooden insert part of the butt-end so it would fit. If you don't do this the butt-end will not fit.

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Probably inconsistencies in the flex.  Easton's been guilty of that one many times...

I have seen that with many companies from TPS to CCM (very bad with flex ratings in my opinion) to Bauer

I've actually found TPS to be pretty accurate over the last couple of years.

Maybe you're right....we'll see how that goes under Graf ownership

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so other people have the stick thats cool i have had mine since before they released it. who ever pays 200 for the stick needs to learn how to diccer with the deals and talk to the reps. i got mine for 169 with no tax and it was before most stores got it. there are 3 rights and 1 left in town i am the only one with it unless someone had ordered it form another store. but that was before the release date i am not sure if anyone has more now. i like it so much that i have one comming from and easton rep for 169.99 and it is a custom blade with name and number in it .


I'll just say this - if you're bragging about your skills with dealing with reps, then obviously you're not doing a good enough job if you have to PAY to get product from them... :rolleyes:

right so you think i am bregging. why because i play midget AA and its cause i talk to reps so i should get them free. no sorry that doesnt work like that. my friend has been playing juniors for 4 years now and he gets si-cores for 50 not for free. i met with his reps and they said they can hook me up but not for free until i start playing juniors but i personally think i am going to wait to try out since i did just turn 17 and am a senior in school

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Well, first off, sales reps are not supposed to SELL directly to a consumer. They can get into a LOT of trouble if they did that. That's why I don't believe you...

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Well, first off, sales reps are not supposed to SELL directly to a consumer. They can get into a LOT of trouble if they did that. That's why I don't believe you...

I figure "the custom curve with the name and number plate on the stick" didn't help his story either.

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Oh yeah, well my dad owns Easton and I only had to pay $159 for my custom off-the-shelf Stealth after they were released.... ;)

feel the sarcasm with me fellas...

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right so you think i am bregging. why because i play midget AA and its cause i talk to reps so i should get them free. no sorry that doesnt work like that. my friend has been playing juniors for 4 years now and he gets si-cores for 50 not for free. i met with his reps and they said they can hook me up but not for free until i start playing juniors but i personally think i am going to wait to try out since i did just turn 17 and am a senior in school

If your friend is any good the team would be flipping the bill for his Si-Cores. 17 isn't young for Juniors either.

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Im not trying to be a jerk or anything but is the reason you are waiting this long to play juniors cause you were too small or was it skill related?

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i just saw it today too but the odd thing has to do with quality control with easton cuz i flexed a 100 flex and a whip tps and the felt the same really weird stuff

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I picked up a sakic last week to screw around with (no disrespect to my fellow drury fan club members) and the thing is a complete noodle. Impressive stick by the way.

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A player on my team just picked up a 100 flex iggy stealth and i took a couple of shots with it in warmup, and it felt the same as my inno 260 novius if not flexier. The weight and feel of the stick is amazing though. note, were only playing bantam AA (which is probably kiddy hockey compared to you guys), and i usually cant use anything over 90 flex, but the stealth felt great for me.

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I finally decided to take my stealth out for a game and i forgot all about the flex... the stick felt amazing while stick handling and the shooting felt better than my other stick. :D it almost seems like the stealth performed better in a game than at practice... probably because where was no time to think about the flex or anything else about it... when id get off the ice after a shift id realized how well i kept control of the puck off the boards and in open ice. any flaw that would have resulted in a missed puck or a steal by the other team was made minimal by the light weight (no kidding i can almost say it made my stick handling better). overall the stick felt AMAZING during the game... it might just be a game stick :blink:

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