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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Also the modanos now say P9 and all the other curves just have the name. Is this because they want to get people familer with P9 because next year it will be Gaborick.

I saw a Modano Stealth yesterday.

How about Si-stealth

I think we should go with Stealthesis, this way there's a little common ground on and its the name of the shaft and not a stealth/si-core synthesis blade.

I know..that wasnt my point. I was saying that the modano also says p9 were all the others dont have a p#.

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Yeah, I got a Yellow Response from Hockeymonkey last december, and the curve was a P9, and it is exactly a Modano. As for the Stealthnesis, I would go with the Sicealth.(I know it a bs name but its creative, I suppose.) :D

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Also the modanos now say P9 and all the other curves just have the name. Is this because they want to get people familer with P9 because next year it will be Gaborick.

Of the Stealths I've seen....

The Sakic nameplates just say "Sakic". No pattern number.

The Modano nameplates say "Modano" with P??? in small letters.

The Iginla nameplates say "Iginla" with P??? in small letters.

Of course where there's questionmarks, there is a number. I guess the Modano was P09, but the Iginla was something way off the wall, not related to his jersey number.

I've also seen Sakics available in a silver/whitish trim and chrome trim but I believe J.R. said the chrome trim was the final color.

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I guess nobody realized that they're $180 at epuck?

Actually it's 179.99 B)

And like I've posted before, the graphite butt-end is crap. It's just a marketing ploy and a way for Easton to get rid of extra, un-needed graphite. And when you cutt the graphite butt-end you end up with a gaping wind tunnel. And when you try to put a plastic plug in their, you'll realize the butt-end is unconveniently concave and does not accept an Inno or Vapor plastic cap.

Also for $159.99, from Epuck, the XN10 is a better stick. To me it is just as light, the extreme concave shaft feels much better for control, and the TPS blade is head and shoulders above the Stealth blade--it is stiffer and recieves passes better. I've used the Stealth for two weeks now and I am still liking my XN10 better for weight, balance, passes and shots. However, the Stealth is still an improvement over the reg Synergy, and much much better than a Vapor XX, M-1, or Vector 120.

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so other people have the stick thats cool i have had mine since before they released it. who ever pays 200 for the stick needs to learn how to diccer with the deals and talk to the reps. i got mine for 169 with no tax and it was before most stores got it. there are 3 rights and 1 left in town i am the only one with it unless someone had ordered it form another store. but that was before the release date i am not sure if anyone has more now. i like it so much that i have one comming from and easton rep for 169.99 and it is a custom blade with name and number in it .

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so other people have the stick thats cool i have had mine since before they released it. who ever pays 200 for the stick needs to learn how to diccer with the deals and talk to the reps. i got mine for 169 with no tax and it was before most stores got it. there are 3 rights and 1 left in town i am the only one with it unless someone had ordered it form another store. but that was before the release date i am not sure if anyone has more now. i like it so much that i have one comming from and easton rep for 169.99 and it is a custom blade with name and number in it .

yeah, because you know how the general public has such great access to reps and all.... :rolleyes:

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Here in some parts of Florida it goes anywhere from $200-$230. The dealers here really mark up the price. I know for a fact that Epuck as said before has them for $180.

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so other people have the stick thats cool i have had mine since before they released it. who ever pays 200 for the stick needs to learn how to diccer with the deals and talk to the reps. i got mine for 169 with no tax and it was before most stores got it. there are 3 rights and 1 left in town i am the only one with it unless someone had ordered it form another store. but that was before the release date i am not sure if anyone has more now. i like it so much that i have one comming from and easton rep for 169.99 and it is a custom blade with name and number in it .


I'll just say this - if you're bragging about your skills with dealing with reps, then obviously you're not doing a good enough job if you have to PAY to get product from them... :rolleyes:

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I've had my stealth for about a week now :D and have noticed that the 100 flex on the Stealth seems to have a lot more flex than my 100 flex Si-Core and the 100 flex Synergy. I did however noticed that when I saw the Stealth over the summer from an Easton rep his had a lot of flex as well, but I'm not sure if he had it custom made like that or what.

During locker room talk most of my teamates decided that the light weight made the flex much more exaggerated than it really is... but I'm not too sure...

So I really just wanted to know if anyone knows what the deal is. Granted, I love the stick but I would hate to have a defective one. :o Thanks for any input.

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Probably inconsistencies in the flex. Easton's been guilty of that one many times...

I have seen that with many companies from TPS to CCM (very bad with flex ratings in my opinion) to Bauer

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