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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Balloon Boy

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Anyone else watching the interview on CNN now with the family on the events in Fort Collins, CO today?

I hope I am wrong but this seems to be fishy to put it nice.

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The dad is looking like a 10 year old making up stuff that Wolf is asking him.

Man I hope I am wrong but this looks like a huge train wreck. Yikes!

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A buddy of mine is a Trooper in VT. When someone skis off the marked trails on a mountain and need to be rescued, said person gets a bill once all of the associated costs are added up. Lets hope that happens here.

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CNN.com is now reporting that the parents had approached TLC about a reality show and were turned down. They were going to get their 15 minutes one way or another.

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Can't wait to see the cost from the rental of the Black Hawk hahahaha

The best part of this is CNN showing the video of the parents releasing the balloon with no box that the kid was supposed to be in. If that doesnt scream hoax I dont know what will.

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