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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Just unmotivated

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Anyone ever just feel unmotivated about almost everything? I'm sitting here at work, haven't done shit all day and I have plenty to do. Just can't find the motivation or concentration to do anything. Its getting really frustrating. I have a steady job, a hot chick and a cute puppy. Usually things that one might have and be happy... WTF!!! <_< On the other hand, maybe I'm just getting too impatient waiting for my new sticks to arrive... :huh:

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  coryroth24 said:
Anyone ever just feel unmotivated about almost everything? I'm sitting here at work, haven't done shit all day and I have plenty to do. Just can't find the motivation or concentration to do anything. Its getting really frustrating. I have a steady job, a hot chick and a cute puppy. Usually things that one might have and be happy... WTF!!! <_< On the other hand, maybe I'm just getting too impatient waiting for my new sticks to arrive... :huh:
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Well, if the hot chick is a raging bitch and the cute puppy is pissing all over the house then that could bring a guy down.

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I'm like that sometimes, especially on days off. A few weeks ago there was a period of days where I wanted to do absolutely nothing. I'd wake up, eat, turn on some music, and all I wanted to do was just sleep. Leads to some really restless days sometimes.

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  coryroth24 said:
Anyone ever just feel unmotivated about almost everything? I'm sitting here at work, haven't done shit all day and I have plenty to do. Just can't find the motivation or concentration to do anything. Its getting really frustrating. I have a steady job, a hot chick and a cute puppy. Usually things that one might have and be happy... WTF!!! <_< On the other hand, maybe I'm just getting too impatient waiting for my new sticks to arrive... :huh:
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I'm the same boat but younger. I am a senior in high school and I graduate in June, and then I get to move to back to St.Louis which I am very excited about. I'm so tired of this school year and cant wait for graduation, cause then life will get real good for me. It just seems like times passing by way too slow

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  chippa13 said:
Well, if the hot chick is a raging bitch and the cute puppy is pissing all over the house then that could bring a guy down.
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LMAO! Thankfully, no to either of those! I wish I could take some vacation time, but if I take vacation from my main job, I still have my coaching job to deal with. Gotta wait and see if I can get my girls to make it to Nationals this year...

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I'm working and schooling full time (40 hours of work, 12 credit hours of school) and on the 1 day that I have off from both I really enjoy just sitting around. Friends always hassling me to go do something. Sundays are my day!

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Happens, especially now that there is two feet of global warming out there. I go to grad school, work full time, and am married with a daughter. Add to that taking care of a house and it can just wear on you.

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  Trooper said:
Happens, especially now that there is two feet of global warming out there. I go to grad school, work full time, and am married with a daughter. Add to that taking care of a house and it can just wear on you.
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+1 to all of that...Grad school, job, married 3 kids...the oldest is 4.5, house, crazy in laws

T.G. for hockey!!

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  Bucky25 said:
+1 to all of that...Grad school, job, married 3 kids...the oldest is 4.5, house, crazy in laws

T.G. for hockey!!

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I'm lucky in that I have pretty cool in-laws. I was trying to coach when I started school as well, that ended this year. It was either that or divorce. I thought going to work, then class until 10:00pm, and heading to the rink for 10:30 practice was a good idea a couple days a week in addition to running conditioning sessions at the track between work and school once a week and on Saturdays. SOme of my ideas need to be thought out a little better. Maybe Congress could add an eighth day to the week...that would be truly useful.

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  Trooper said:
I'm lucky in that I have pretty cool in-laws. I was trying to coach when I started school as well, that ended this year. It was either that or divorce. I thought going to work, then class until 10:00pm, and heading to the rink for 10:30 practice was a good idea a couple days a week in addition to running conditioning sessions at the track between work and school once a week and on Saturdays. SOme of my ideas need to be thought out a little better. Maybe Congress could add an eighth day to the week...that would be truly useful.
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Don't think we'll have any luck on gaining a day. Especially after we lost 1.26 microseconds to the day after the quake in Chille... :lol:

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  coryroth24 said:
Don't think we'll have any luck on gaining a day. Especially after we lost 1.26 microseconds to the day after the quake in Chille... :lol:
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That has been debunked, by the way.

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Join the club. I have a paper to write and a midterm to study for, but I haven't done a thing so far all week. Spring break can't come soon enough, a week visiting a friend in Valencia should do wonders.

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