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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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JR Boucicaut

Nike/Bauer Sticks being recalled

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A child could easily pick up a bottle of Drano too. It doesn't mean that it's going to be recalled.

a bottle of draino is sold with warnings of it's toxicity and the purchaser is implored to keep out of reach of children. I did not realize that I needed to keep my sticks under lock and key, to avoid child contact.

Here's the thing, dont recall adult sticks if it's adult designed... however, it needs to be considered that kids do use broken sticks for driveway hockey, etc. sticks are not to be assumed that they are kept out of reach of children.

because of this... in lieu of a senior recall, bauer would probably be wise to offer proper disposal means as a way to save face.

/my two cents

(i dont think there's a real risk, but whatev)

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Walls are different than senior hockey sticks. Walls are not adult-specific. They are common to all ages, including small children.

I think that a lot of people think that the lead is on the outside of the stick and will seep through their gloves and kill them. The reality is that the odds of actually getting any kind of lead poisoning from the coated yellow paint of these sticks is next to nothing.

It really does sound like people just want free, new, upgraded senior sticks, which would cost Bauer some ridiculous amount of money (for something they aren't required to do).

It will never happen.

So far, the only things you provided in this thread are comments accusing members of exaggerating the risk and wanting new sticks. Why so much interest in defending Bauer or is it just your nature to be a contrarian?

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So far, the only things you provided in this thread are comments accusing members of exaggerating the risk and wanting new sticks. Why so much interest in defending Bauer or is it just your nature to be a contrarian?

I think that sums up his point lol. But I agree, people shouldn't be trying to take advantage of this. It's gracious enough that bauer is replacing sticks that are (some over 3 yrs old) with a brand new stick

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I think that sums up his point lol. But I agree, people shouldn't be trying to take advantage of this. It's gracious enough that bauer is replacing sticks that are (some over 3 yrs old) with a brand new stick

There are always people trying to take advantage. But most people on here are asking questions about senior sticks because they want to make sure they are not unnecessarily exposing their kids in someway.

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There are always people trying to take advantage. But most people on here are asking questions about senior sticks because they want to make sure they are not unnecessarily exposing their kids in someway.

I will bet you a ga-gillion dollars that most of the people complaining about there not being a senior recall don't even have kids.

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There are always people trying to take advantage. But most people on here are asking questions about senior sticks because they want to make sure they are not unnecessarily exposing their kids in someway.

No, I understand that, but also would hope that bauer would have thought about that as well. Although, in fairness, the odds of that happening are probably so low that a single case or two of someone getting sick is cheaper then doing the recall (at least in reference to the adult sticks). Not to sound heartless but I'm sure they had to weigh what was going to be best for the company and the general consumer. And having to ship back your adult stick as opposed to just keeping it out of the hands of your toddler, well, I think that's a simple decision.

I will bet you a ga-gillion dollars that most of the people complaining about there not being a senior recall don't even have kids.

Lol or keep their sticks in the garage beside the regular paint and cleaning supplies which pose a greater risk.

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I have not received the return package yet for my daughter's One50, however..... we did receive the replacement X60 in the mail on Thursday, with a letter of apology. As she is done for the spring until camps, etc. start up, I am not going to cut it down yet, or do anything with the recalled stick, as Bauer said they would send out the return package, and once the stick is confirmed recalled, they would send out the X60, otherwise if it is OK, then she would get that one50 back.

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I received a phone call from Bauer on Saturday saying they have changed their return policy and will ship the replacement sticks immediately. Apparently the location of the receiver of the returned sticks and the shipper of the replacement sticks are in different locations (states?) and to avoid confusion and to speed replacement they have begun shipping replacement sticks.

The lady I talked said there was a good possibility that we could receive replacement sticks before the return packages reach us.

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The lady I talked said there was a good possibility that we could receive replacement sticks before the return packages reach us.

:facepalm: Reading is fundamental.

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:facepalm: Reading is fundamental.

at my shool, they had this thig that was called rif reading is fundamental and they gave out free books. I saw it as them encouraging us to build bonfires in the bathrooms.

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Just received My son't X-60 by Purlolator yesterday. I received the replacement before even sending off his old stick.
Yeah UPS just delivered my x60. Thanks Bauer!!
got mine this morning.

When did you contact Bauer for the package?

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Returned home to find a One95 P14 Grip Jr on the door step. There was an apology letter in the box, no instruction or indication for returning the old stick. I am sure it will come later. I originally called in the claim on March 20th. Just over one week. Pretty amazing service.

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So I had a mom come in with the sportingnews email and asking me a bunch of questions about this, and I had no idea.

Um, is it for wood sticks unless otherwise noted? Or just OPS? She bought a one75 jr wood from us, which is on the list, but is it just the OPS or wood or both?

I'm assuming OPS, but I told her to call Bauer (probably what she should have done in the first place). Can someone clear the air? Is it just OPS or wood or both?

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My son just received his Bauer replacement sticks for his 2 one90's. Received two X-60s and we got the pattern we requested as well (P88). Shipped on Monday and received on Wednesday.

Thanks Bauer

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