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JR Boucicaut

Nike/Bauer Sticks being recalled

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I called today to replace my junior vapor XX stick:

They are sending me a return package via puralator first. It contains a box for the old stick with instructions and paid shipping in it. I will get that in 3-5 days. Once I get the package, I have to send back my stick. After that, they will send me the replacement stick.

Also I wasn't allowed the p14 in senior flexes fyi. Just Pm9, p92 and p88.

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I called today to replace my junior vapor XX stick:

They are sending me a return package via puralator first. It contains a box for the old stick with instructions and paid shipping in it. I will get that in 3-5 days. Once I get the package, I have to send back my stick. After that, they will send me the replacement stick.

Also I wasn't allowed the p14 in senior flexes fyi. Just Pm9, p92 and p88.

So they're replacing your junior stick with a senior stick?

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They definetly are replacing juniors with Intermediatte sticks at customers request, 1/2 the 13 year old kids on team I coach went that route. First I've heard of a senior for a recalled jr exchange.

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So they're replacing your junior stick with a senior stick?

Yes. I bought a 52 flex back in the day but I use a 77 flex now. I had the option to choose between one95 or x60 any flex, curve or hand.

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No, but I can understand that Bauer wants the sticks back and out of the hands of customers so they can be destroyed. If they don't offer something that the customer hasn't outgrown why would the customer part with it? People are stubborn, and while I don't necessarily agree or feel they are entitled to a sr stick, I have to commend bauer for going above and beyond to make sure all these sticks are recovered.

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So I had a mom come in with the sportingnews email and asking me a bunch of questions about this, and I had no idea.

Um, is it for wood sticks unless otherwise noted? Or just OPS? She bought a one75 jr wood from us, which is on the list, but is it just the OPS or wood or both?

I'm assuming OPS, but I told her to call Bauer (probably what she should have done in the first place). Can someone clear the air? Is it just OPS or wood or both?

bump. wanting to know if i shouldn't sell anymore of the wood versions we have as well/watch out for people buying 10 of them so they can get x60s in exchange.

its just ops, right?

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Below is straight from Bauer's site, it doesn't exclude wood sticks but that could be an oversight? In any case your stores manager should follow the practice of stores in our area so staff doesn't spend too much time dealing with recall questions. The letter below is printed and placed on counters, the line

Consumers in possession of these sticks should contact 1-888-734-0443 for more information

is in bold print.


March 19, 2010

Dear Bauer Consumer,

Bauer Hockey has issued a stop sale notice to retailers in North America asking them to

remove the following 11* models from their shelves. Consumers in possession of these

sticks should contact 1-888-734-0443 for more information.

Bauer Junior & Youth Stick Stop Sell Affected Models – North America

Nike Bauer Supreme One90 Youth and Junior Stick (sticks, shafts, and replacement


Nike Bauer Supreme One50 Junior Stick (sticks, shafts and replacement blades)

Nike Bauer Supreme One40 Junior Stick (Sold Only in Canada)

Nike Bauer Supreme One70 Junior Stick

Nike Bauer/Bauer Supreme One75 Junior Stick (player and goalie sticks)

Nike Bauer/Bauer Vapor XX Junior Stick (player and goalie sticks)

Nike Bauer Supreme LTX Junior Stick (Sold Only in Canada)

Nike Bauer Apollo Junior Stick (Sold only in U.S.)

Nike Bauer Supreme Force Junior Stick (Sold only in U.S.)

Nike Bauer Vapor XVI Junior Stick

Nike Bauer Supreme Accel Junior Stick (Sold only in Canada)

*Bauer had initially included the Nike Bauer Vapor XXX Lite “Woody” Junior Stick and

the Nike Quest Apollo Junior Blade among the products subject to the stop sale notice

on a precautionary basis while awaiting tests results for these two products. Bauer has

since received test results that show both products satisfy the applicable consumer

product safety standards in the U.S. and Canada.

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Anyone get the return package before the replacement stick came? I called about my cousins vapor xx and they said I would get a return package and they would examine the stick and then ship the replacement stick out. It seems that everyone is getting their replacment stick first. Reason I'm asking is my cousin is playing spring hockey and is worried the new stick might not get here before his first game and he might have to buy a stick to use.



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There is a guy on a Calgary for sale site, asking to buy any of the recalled sticks, ass.

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I would think that if you bought a recalled stick after March 19th (the date of the recall) you would be excluded from getting a new one because you are then abusing the system. Guess not...

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I would think that if you bought a recalled stick after March 19th (the date of the recall) you would be excluded from getting a new one because you are then abusing the system. Guess not...

I was asked the date which my cousin purchased the stick(which I had no clue), so maybe the are seeing if anyone who is trying to scam them is dumb enough to admit they bought the stick after the 19th. I'm not sure if asking to buy recalled sticks is worse than the moron on the boston craigslist who keeps asking for a s17 receipt lol

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I just called in to send my old junior One90 that i got a when i first came out and i was still in junior sticks. They gave me the option of an X:60, One95 or a cash refund....... of $230! first i have heard of this. so i took the refund as i do not need a junior stick and am not going to ask them to send me a senior as a replacement.

i just thought that was a really interesting thing to do, didn't think bauer would just give away cash like that.

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Is the Supreme One75 in that list the woody? I ask because my little brother has one, but there is no yellow paint on it as far as I can see..

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I just called in to send my old junior One90 that i got a when i first came out and i was still in junior sticks. They gave me the option of an X:60, One95 or a cash refund....... of $230! first i have heard of this. so i took the refund as i do not need a junior stick and am not going to ask them to send me a senior as a replacement.

i just thought that was a really interesting thing to do, didn't think bauer would just give away cash like that.


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These kids have to remember that industry types browse these boards from time to time. I recall hearing at least one tale of a kid who bragged about jobbing a warranty return only to have a rep read about it and bust him.

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These kids have to remember that industry types browse these boards from time to time. I recall hearing at least one tale of a kid who bragged about jobbing a warranty return only to have a rep read about it and bust him.

I don't wanna know how many kids from phew have called bauer saying they have a recalled stick and hope that they will get a new one before they need to send in a recalled stick that they don't have

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