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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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This is the website of the company that does paint/decals for Easton

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Was searching for some old Z-Bubbles to buy and came across this site.


Looks to be current since they have some Blackhawks Stanley Cups pics. But apparently they created the paint and system for the "chrome"-type of paint currently seen on the Easton SE16 sticks and recent version of the Warrior Dolomite Spyne. They also appear to do the water-slide transfer decals for Easton that have been used on all of their sticks, shafts, and blades over the years and are still used. Each section of the site shows some stuff with the sticks. Looks to be a pretty small company. Apparently they also have a paint that changes colors when different temperatures (warm hands or cold ice) come into contact with it. A section or two of the site also show much older Easton gear: brown Easton Z-tac kevlar blades and such.

Just kinda fun and thought you guys should see. I've never heard of this company before.

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I don't know if chrome paint is such a big deal, but it looks like these guys do have niche yet superb techniques.

If not, they wouldn't be getting calls from Easton.

(Or, they do it really really really cheap, which is also possible given that web page design lol)

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I think they need to go back to the drawing board a bit with the chrome paint on hockey sticks... Both my SE16 and One90 left evidence all over the rink that I was playing that game. The paint chipped off every time someone stick checked me.

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I remember the Easton rep saying that some EQ sticks would have colour changing paint based on temperature. Now I know who would have done it before they decided not to.

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Makes me think of the old Koho shafts that had an applique on the end that would change colour as you applied heat to insert/remove blades so you knew when to stop.

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I remember the Easton rep saying that some EQ sticks would have colour changing paint based on temperature. Now I know who would have done it before they decided not to.

Perhaps a change of heart after they saw flakes of blue and red SE16s littering the ice like a New Years Eve party.

On a side note, it appears that the company also does graphics for Base now too.

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