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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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My BASE Stick

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Has plenty of potential, but I like to stocking up on pro sticks because you can't beat the price. Maybe base hockey will get me back to retail sticks.................

I'm not going to lie, I want this to be the best since I'm planning on putting an order in. Just still deciding on the specs, etc.

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I'm not going to lie, I want this to be the best since I'm planning on putting an order in. Just still deciding on the specs, etc.

Lol I second that since I want to as well when I get some cash.

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i think we all want this stick to be the best lol....

Haha I really do. I'll be kinda disappointed if I go through the whole fitting thing and order my own, if I end up with a $200 stick(+50 w/fitting) that's kinda mid end. Plus since the whole thing at first seemed unreal, I really wanna see great things out of it.

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i think we all want this stick to be the best lol....

Some people had already decided that it was before they put their order in, that's why the last topic was closed. Let's try to keep this one open.

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Getting back on the ice tomorrow. Anyone have good tips for lower flex adaptation other than a slower motion?

Lower your bottom hand on slappers. Focus on being smooth. not quick, with your motion. Feel the stick load and release and time your motion to it.

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Thanks, those are good swing thoughts. I discovered the lowering of the bottom hand through trial and error. It has been said that regardless of what manufacturers say, a stick will kick just below the bottom hand. And lessening the amount of shaft below the bottom hand essentially stiffens the stick's kicking portion.

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Basis of comparison: I use a one95, but have played with s17, s19, one90, xxxx, 808, ccm u+ Cl

So, had 2-3 hours with the stick tonight and was really impressed. Needed almost no time to adapt from my one95.

The stick has a boxy concave shaft that felt really comfortable in my hands, slightly wider than my one95. Also, stick is very light, comparable to most top end sticks.

Wristers were releasing easily as hard if not harder than my one95.

Slapshots took some time to get use to, the lower kickpoint was noticeable. But after some time shooting wasn't an issue.

Overall, I really can't believe a $130 stick is just as good as a $200 stick. Love this stick so far and hope everyone else has similar experiences.

**Also, found that the blade felt a little pingy at first but that could be because my one95 has been used a ton and has softened up quite a bit. This by no means affected the feel the stick had for the puck, as handling and deking wasn't an issue at all.

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So did it end up feeling like a top of the line?

Id did not really feel like a top of the line stick. Out of all sticks that I have used, I would say that it felt closest to a Warrior Hitman IMO

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This is pretty much verbatim from my email to BASE today:

Had an hour 45 to myself today, and I think I'm attached. It's clear I have been using sticks which were too stiff, my shots might not be much faster, but all of them are heavier and I think I can attribute that to getting extra kick from the stick. There's still some more stuff rattling in the one stick, which I hardly used today, so hopefully that will be resolved soon. All in all this worked out well. My only request to the company at this point is to be reimbursed for the difference between the SR and INT sticks.

If anyone has questions feel free to ask, but I'll limit my on-ice thoughts until I've had the sticks enough to do a review proper.

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They offered to start making sticks as soon as I alerted them to the mistake, but I told them to wait until I used the sticks I received.

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So one person says that the intermediate stick dimensions feel identical to a Dolomite: concave and quite rounded.

Another report says the senior stick is concave and very boxy.

Anyone else?

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The shafts of my sticks are identical to my Dolos. And as I said the INTs are the same dimensions and specs as the SR, just three to four inches shorter.

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I think that may be case of hy-per-bo-le.

Edit for curve pic:


Both LH and RH, no variation of lies yet. It is the Hossa pro as mentioned earlier. Waiting for the FB page to state the lie.

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Whoa whoa whoa, that's a curve you can pick? How come they didn't show that in their PDF document? That might've pushed me over the egde to try one out.

EDIT: Just saw it on their Facebook. They say it's a lie 5. Beautiful.

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See THAT is the kind of thing that will make the company blow up. Not just pricing themselves below competition but offering something unique as well, and because they are selling direct they can offer those kinds of things.

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I took the plunge today and ordered two 75 flex righties in the BC-01 Hossa curve. I was thinking about going with the orange graphics but the girl at Base told me I'll be getting the retail graphics with orange and maroon, so that sounds pretty slick. I'm pretty stoked to get them and will definitely post my impressions when they get here.

Oh and btw, US pricing is slightly different so my two sticks were only $125 each. I thought the shipping was waived for 2 or more, but maybe that's only for Canadian customers. I'm going to call back or email to make sure. Its going to be a long week or two waiting for these to get here.

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IMO BASE has made look kynetyk and brooklynite bad in regards to them trying to get a piece of the stick market. kynetyk has been saying they will have toe curves on their sticks and replacement blades for a while. I don't think they have yet, but I may be wrong. Not claiming these are the best sticks ever, but BASE seem to have great potential. I wouldn't say that about other small companies trying to get a piece of the stick market.

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Well Kynetyk (not sure about Brooklynite) doesn't seem to have the funds or knowledge behind their company that Base does. When you take a previous NHLer and the product minds behind Easton and Warrior to form a new stick, along with proper funding, you're likely going places.

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Just got my two Base sticks today. Senior 75 flex in gold/white color and Drury clone pattern. Took exactly one week from phone order (I'm in California). Unfortunately I won't be able to test soon, as I'm on a "new parent again" break from league! I'll try to make it out to a pick up one if these days.

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Well Kynetyk (not sure about Brooklynite) doesn't seem to have the funds or knowledge behind their company that Base does. When you take a previous NHLer and the product minds behind Easton and Warrior to form a new stick, along with proper funding, you're likely going places.

True, but I didn't expect these kind of prices or options or getting product out this fast.

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