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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Disenfecting gear

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What do you guys use, specifically for helmets? I always used Lysol + fabreeze, but someone told me recently that that only kills surface germs and bacteria. Is there anything better that I'm missing?

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Use a mild bleach/water mix and spray it on.

I wouldn't want to use bleach and water. Once you start to sweat on that helmet, you'll have diluted bleach all over your head.

This is what I use.....Shut Out Spray

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+1 for airing it out with antibacterial fabreeze. hang it all on a clothesline on a sunny day, spray it down once or twice and it's good as new...sort of.

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+1 for the Esporta and SaniSport. Have operated both when they were in the shop I worked for. The Esporta wash system is top notch. The SaniSport is a nice second.

Other than that, if you have no other choices, antibacterial febreze is the way to go.

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May as well piss on it instead...:wink: Don't they say that urine is sanitary?

BTW, thanks for the referral on LGK.

Anyways, I'm part of the "I believe in SaniSport" group...not because I am soon to be the owner of one, but, have seen the results of what it does.

I know I've seen you before recommend against washing gloves...do you recommend against washing all protective gear (i.e. in water with soap)? I got all new protective this summer and would like to keep it as long as possible.

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I was wondering if you can use UV light to kill the bacteria. That could possibly help with the smell

never mind, its a pretty bad idea.

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I'm usually pretty good about hanging my stuff up and letting it dry out. I also spray some SprayFresh OT Odor Eliminator every couple games. Seems to work pretty well.

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I mist my stuff with a 50/50 mixture of rubbing alcohol and water, then open it all up and set it all out in front of a fan for a couple of hours - footbeds out of the skates and making sure everything is getting a good breeze. During the summer I'll leave it outside in the sun to air out every once in a while too.

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Anti Microbrial Febreze, comes in a bottle with an orange label. I use it on all my gear and also bought the new Febreze Sport spray that has alcohol in it. Usually double up on my gloves, everything air drys and wash ice hockey pants, shin pads, elbow pads and jock about once a month. Having an HE washing maching with no tumbler in the middle comes in handy. I never spray anything on or in my helmet though. Like others have said I don't want that stuff dripping down into my eyes once I start sweating. If you're helmet is that old where it is nasty-buy a new helmet! I'm amazed at how many hockey players are still using helemts with that cheap foam padding. Hockey helmets really need an expiration date on them.

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Anti Microbrial Febreze, comes in a bottle with an orange label. I use it on all my gear and also bought the new Febreze Sport spray that has alcohol in it. Usually double up on my gloves, everything air drys and wash ice hockey pants, shin pads, elbow pads and jock about once a month. Having an HE washing maching with no tumbler in the middle comes in handy. I never spray anything on or in my helmet though. Like others have said I don't want that stuff dripping down into my eyes once I start sweating. If you're helmet is that old where it is nasty-buy a new helmet! I'm amazed at how many hockey players are still using helemts with that cheap foam padding. Hockey helmets really need an expiration date on them.

They do. Its the date on the sticker that most people do not look at before they take it off. I believe it is 4 years after date of production.

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Along these lines:

My shinguards and elbow pads were in a small basement flood we had a while ago, however they escaped notice (as I didn't realize they were in the bag or that the bag had even gotten wet) -- I haven't played in a while and am going back through my equipment and found them quite unsavory... moist, smelly and all around gross.

Ideas on a way to resurrect?

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Along these lines:

My shinguards and elbow pads were in a small basement flood we had a while ago, however they escaped notice (as I didn't realize they were in the bag or that the bag had even gotten wet) -- I haven't played in a while and am going back through my equipment and found them quite unsavory... moist, smelly and all around gross.

Ideas on a way to resurrect?

Get new ones. I know it's not the answer you're looking for. But, if mold has set up shop in any of the foam it is going to be almost impossible to clean out. Mold can cause a great deal more problems to your health than just annoying you with the smell it produces. I honestly think getting new stuff is the way to go.

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I used to have this antibacterial spray that was called StinkOut and it worked great. Also the disinfectant Sanisport booths that people mentioned usually work great from what I've seen with my teammates equipment.

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