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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Shanahan/Cammalleri Curve coming soon?

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I tried looking for a thread to put this in but couldnt...is Easton bringing back Shanahan/Cammalleri Curve ?

I see the pattern option on the S19 @ totalhockey.

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Yup, S19 and ST at TotalHockey already have it in the "popular" flexes (85 and 100)... They don't have the EQ50 with it yet though.

Really debating between the Cammalleri or Warrior's new Gionta curve. I might have to throw that old (12 years old!) Shanny graphite blade in a shaft to see if I can get use to it again before I pull the trigger....

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Wow. I've been looking for a Shanahan-like pattern for years. I'm surprised this came out now because the new Heatley is pretty close to the old Shanahan.

The Shanahan curve was always a 6 lie. But lies on wood stick are really inconsistent. I compared a new Heatley composite to a new Heatley wood blade, and you would never think they were supposed to be the same pattern. It was ridiculous how different the wood blade was to the composite and the specs.

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I have yet to see the new Cammalleri in person (to verify if it is the same thing as the Shanny; which I'd come to love aside from the lie, which I felt was a hair too high - I think it'd have been better as a 5.5 or maybe even a 5). Regardless, I look forward to seeing the pattern on the market again.

All that said, I checked out the Warrior Gionta in person at the store yesterday. REALLY nice. Might be too big for some, but it is fairly deep, pretty big toe hook. Those who can't wait for the resurrection should check out the Gionta (if for nothing else, for morbid curiosity).

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Is the bauer p14/richards a shanny clone?

Not really. The P14 is more of a mid curve with a fair amount of rocker, a little more open and a totally different blade shape (not as tall and more of a rounded toe). As mentioned before the P10 is the Bauer equivilant which is no longer an option on MyBauer (was last available with the One95 and Vapor XXXX).

I saw the Cammalleri pattern at TotalHockey a couple of months ago and it appeared to be the good ol' Shanny curve. I did not buy one since I have been using lower-lies lately (I bought a Warrior Gionta instead), but the only thing I noticed is that the new Cammalleri *possibly* seemed a little shorter than the old Shanny... Don't take that very far though - it was just a feeling.

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Isn't the P02 a Lidstrom/Getzlaf clone?

LOL whoops...yeah, sorry, Lidstrom clone. Wasn't even thinking when I was posted that!

I'll go sit in the corner now.

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