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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I was going to dress up as Bruce Willis from the last Die Hard, but didn't think that'd go over well.

Last year, two of my friends dressed up as Fraggle's (traveling matt and red). It was hilarious.

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"prepares to catch shit"

I'm going to be zombie christophere reeve. Zombie makeup, wheelchair, superman suit, doing everything with my mouth.

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No costume this year as I have no plans, but a few years ago I made a 2 foot tall Homer Simpson mask out of foam. During the costume competition where I used to work that year, coincidentally enough, I stood next to a guy who dressed up as a Duff beer.

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I'm not doing anything this year but I want to be aladdin cuz my last name is Ali and people always sing the PrinceAli song around me. Plus I resemble him a LITTLE bit lol. I'll probably do this like next year or something. I'll just need to find a hot girl to be Jasmine ;)

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I have decided to be a pimp this year, I have the leopard skin sides on the velvet suit. Just walked around my shopping center and found it, decided I had to do dress up for Halloween this year. Hopefully I cant get some Ho's as well...

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I had been Shades once for a learn-to-play hockey event once. About a year after the team folded, I noticed that there were these red bags next to the dumpster - since I had used the costume before, I knew exactly what they were. They were going to throw them away - 2 heads and four suits.

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I saw the greatest Michael Myers (of Halloween, not Austin Powers) mask...it was great...I wanted to get one and drive around town staring ppl down in it...but the best costume I think is a Superman t-shirt underneath a suit and glasses with the tie loose and the shirt half unbuttoned...Clark Kent!

EDIT: Yeah, I know, a little late, but what the hell.

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We had a carnival/fund raiser for our hockey team a couple years ago and they were doing crap like hayrides and all that. My deal was dressing up in a jumpsuit with a Michael Myers mask and hiding behind trees, buildings, etc. Works like a champ if you have the height to pull it off and just stand still and watch people, then walk after them.

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