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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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how did he do this?

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His equipment guy probably just stole the piece from an unused pair and stitched it to sit high in Ovi's pair.

You could find a piece of sturdy padding from some other piece of equipment (other pants, shoulder pads) and have a local shop or someplace with an industrial sewing machine stitch it in. Or send it to a hockey repair shop and they could do it.

If you know how to sew I think you could get a sewing awl and some waxed thread and go to town. I don't know how to do it, but other memberS have made equipment mods/repairs on their own.

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His equipment guy probably just stole the piece from an unused pair and stitched it to sit high in Ovi's pair.

You could find a piece of sturdy padding from some other piece of equipment (other pants, shoulder pads) and have a local shop or someplace with an industrial sewing machine stitch it in. Or send it to a hockey repair shop and they could do it.

If you know how to sew I think you could get a sewing awl and some waxed thread and go to town. I don't know how to do it, but other memberS have made equipment mods/repairs on their own.

yeah my local shop sucks, cant do any repairs and they never heard of swapping tongues, so its a easton piece, but S19 pant or does it look like it comes from a shoulder guard

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How did he he do this? I have bad spine problems and every shoulder guard and pant combo i have shows allot of it, this would be really helpful thanks!

also what nike pant is ovechkin using in this? thanks guys

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yeah my local shop sucks, cant do any repairs and they never heard of swapping tongues, so its a easton piece, but S19 pant or does it look like it comes from a shoulder guard

Looking again it looks like the sternum protector from the S19 shoulders. As far as the pants I have no idea what they are, the nike part may be a shell. Places like Peaches Pro Repair and George's Hockey repair would probably do a job like that. but shipping would be a pain and take some time.

Or if you come up with the pieces you want put together, look locally for sports equipment repair or maybe fire equipment repair or even a leather repair shop. They could help you out or point you in a better directions.

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He doesn't wear them like this anymore though right? His current pants look like he has a duck tail flapping around.

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also what nike pant is ovechkin using in this? thanks guys

Nike Pro pants, the pair I have (show below) are very similar to the Bauer pro pants I've got. Although they don't say Bauer on them anywhere, I suspect that is who made them. Maybe one of the guru's can weigh in on this?


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i have the warrior hustlers which i really like in terms of mobility but they also have a really large tailbone pad as well as a pretty high low back pad..these combined with my older model reebok 8k shoulders(massive spine plate on them) cover my back really well. cross checks are a non factor

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I was going to do this to a pair of Sande "The Show" pants I have b/c I have an old pair of ITech shoulders that leave a lot of my lower back exposed. I've got a bunch of extra pads lying around for scrap pieces, but I live in DC and I'm worried about looking like a poser :)

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I'm thinking about giving this a shot. My u+ pads dont come down low enough and my back gets mangled in front of the net

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I'm pretty sure Ovi didn't have that piece sewn in for extra protection. He just likes being different and flashy. Same reason he has laces hanging 4 feet from the front of his pants.

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yeah but i have some bad back problems so i wont be doing this for show, but for protection, well if anyone lives in canada and has extra shoulder pads and nike pants please contact me would love to buy

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yeah but i have some bad back problems so i wont be doing this for show, but for protection, well if anyone lives in canada and has extra shoulder pads and nike pants please contact me would love to buy

Will keep my eyes open...where are you? Ontario? Idf so...where? TY Good luck!

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Will keep my eyes open...where are you? Ontario? Idf so...where? TY Good luck!

no sorry man i live in Vancouver B.C. thanks for helping with the look out much appreachiate it

Kovalchuk also had this too, but with the back piece. Maybe they took them from the same shoulder pad.




yeah ovie kovy, and someone else had it, yeah kovy probaly had to cut his or maybe not, i was thinking on buy a s19 pad but pricey just to snatch a couple parts haha. might just get the s16,

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